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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Present(alive) -Mickey Rooney Deceased-Jackie Gleason/Bogie/Oliver Hardy Present Foreign-hmmm Foreign Deceased-Alec Guiness/David Niven/Stan Laurel
  2. well explained. peters is a GOOD LT....thats all..not worth 10 million/yr
  3. i think bledsoe was 29 or 30 when we got him
  4. best thing footballwise is to just keep him.we aint getting anything more than a 5th for him.and we cant lay the whole thing on Jackson at age 29. lets hope the little punk grows up a bit though
  5. i like it the way it is.... but if u r gonna change it give the team that scores first the last possession. otherwise its not fair to the team that scores first.
  6. right on--id love to get a harbaugh coaching here
  7. Tie for #1.Ralph 1.Our dismal D front 7,OT and QB situations.No matter how many are deluded about our defensive talent. Coaches wanna see how fixable things are. We have a tough road ahead with that roster of ours.
  8. good for you kid. get out while you can... the clock is ticking.do something productive with your Sundays.
  9. actually read a few of their posts...seemed rational and showed class..that being said..the next best thing to a bills win is a pats loss
  10. right on--I'd say no 1st or 2nds....but we do need a decent QB while we develop a youngster
  11. i do feel some magic in the air...
  12. i feel great for wade..likeable guy and decent coach
  13. i'd like a few drinks..but Lynch stole my 20
  14. of course its not the money. i hope that was obvious. its the power and control over other people.
  15. attitudes like this are why people dont report stuff. now the women who Lynch scared the crap out of are the guilty ones
  16. yeah cops wives are always dining and dashing. cant be true that the thug Marshawn was playing games to intimidate them.
  17. he isnt that much better.but he will be funnner to watch on the sidelines yelling and spitting.this is entertainment after all.
  18. i dont really care if he wins as long as hes on the sideline screaming and spitting and showing some emotion
  19. A nightmare scenario. We can't even fix a bad back or cure paralysis or stop the heartbreak of psoriasis.Not to mention the greedy, awful, self centered people that tend to want to rule things on earth. I like to believe in the NEXT life--where ahuuuls roast in purgatory for awhile before they're let in.
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