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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. u cant compare lindell and norwood because of the different eras. because of global warming the air is thicker now and keeps the FG attempts more accurate
  2. loved garcia..but that ship has sailed..woulda been perfect 4 yrs ago
  3. disagree....hamilton and east would still be bills fans
  4. cowboys/pats...but i think the pats are in the lead now because Wade is likeable
  5. Yes those are the only two All time great level players who played most of their career in Buff. Lofton came here near the end...and Cookie played the first half of his career in Canada...and Robert James was injured early...and Jerry Butler was injured in his prime.Joe D and Billy Shaw are close but there were better.
  6. hansen and schobel are a wash. stroud over wright(people forget how much bruce and the LBs covered up for 2/3 of that D line)..and most of our DBs are better now than they were back then--SLIGHTLY. So all of the 90s LBs were better.All of the O line was better.We had Bruce.Kelly.Thurman.Reed.Lofton(ok a wash with Evans only because Evans is in his prime and Lofton was toward the end).TO and Andre are a wash because TO toward the end and Andre in his prime. Evans is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Beebe was.
  7. maybe round 6 if we see a steal...otherwise QB,LINES and LB
  8. great ---one guy who is too old/doesnt have the speed and one guy who cant play. so you are probably right.
  9. slightly misleading article..hes only coaching the right leg of the ROLB and the left leg of the LOLB
  10. so true. but of course these are the mistakes of poor franchises.
  11. lol..details details....-But I still say we have loads of talent at DB
  12. Wasnt so terrible.greer to anyone with a brain--is a very talented football player.Just so happens we have a lot of talent at DB.
  13. Good list. May I add-- Kirk Hammet of Metallica is top notch. ..And.....some may laugh but those in the know know--Peter Frampton.
  14. I think you could simplify that. 1st team with possession scores TD they win--like you said. Otherwise,other team gets one possession . Let it play out from there.
  15. well i wanted the saints to win...but im not sure they deserved it
  16. sheesh---i mean really close..but what the hell is with the saints receivers??
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