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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. to me the most disturbing thing is the kelsay extension.that trumps even our bush league drafting.with a maybin,although a horrific choice,there was at least some unknown as to his ability.
  2. yeah thats cute-no bias there;)...uhh--i think most gave becks rally 200-350k. Look at the photos. -Altho Stewart's did have very good attendance. love Jon Stewarts words. But Im not sure which base you are talking about.
  3. moron coaching...moron organization...fgods sake---try the damn field goal--YOU ARE 0 and 6!!!!!!!!!!!! clown coaching
  4. 1.Jim Brown 2.Lawrence Taylor 3.Joe Montana 3.Jerry Rice 4.Ronnie lott 5.Deacon Jones 6.OJ 7.John Elway 8.Reggie White 9.Earl Campbell 10.Bret Favre 11.Rod Woodson 12.Bruce ...forget it this is impossible...
  5. These lists are a joke.OJ--who I'd put at about 4 or 5--is still getting punished for that thing he did 16 yrs ago. But how can you compare an offensive lineman to a WR or a RB?? Silly.Thurman--great player but not even close to top 100. Jim Kelly is definitely not one of the top 100 players of all time.-Of course Bruce and OJ are in there.And Robert James woulda had a shot if not injured early on.Cookie was in his late 20s coming into Buffalo/the AFL--so his best years were few in the NFL.-Those are the only Bills who ever played on that elite elite level.-Lofton was at that level but only with Green Bay.
  6. you stole me thunder kinda...KOCHS LIGHT LAGER...tastes exactly like battery acid(which I was forced to drink as a youth)..i had it rough..
  7. Lee is worth the dough. I can imagine how frustrating it has been for him for years to have garbage QBs attempting to throw to him.(At least w/ JP and Bledsoe he could catch SOME balls that were actually accurately thrown with some manly zip on them).-Trade Lee??-well it would go along with the Bills' policy of trading their best players.-Maybe we should get rid of Kyle Williams , some of our DBs,Fred Jackson,and Moorman while we are at it.Would dovetail nicely with the Kelsay extension.
  8. NYS will claim $304 million is owed in back taxes on it.
  9. a sinner cannot be blessed???..then no human can be blessed.i think your understanding of christianity is on the same level as the bills' front office understanding of football.
  10. the getting rid of Collins was the good part. Did you see him play the other night?-He looked less mobile than Uncle Charlie from My Three Sons--and he was still throwing grounders after 14 years.The announcer said he shouldnt be throwing out patterns at this stage of his career(after he grounded one).I wanted to tell him that passing was never Collins strong suit....except for those 5 good games he had in 07.
  11. Jimmy you are funny!!!! -And a mook as well you mook!!
  12. I think this is definitely the low point--and Ive been a fan for 46 years. Of course the Bills have had several worse teams than this.-I just base my answer on the fact that the Bills are so messed up at all the wrong positions-solidifying the perpetual mediocrity they have settled into. Even in 85 we had some good young talent at the right positions..and within 2-3 yrs had a top notch team. In the late 60s the OJ/Braxton/JD Hill/Bobby Chandler/Ferguson/Ahmad Rashad era of excitement was only a few yrs away.The late 70s mediocrity was followed by some real solid and fun football a couple yrs later under ground Chuck. So while these teams of the past 8-10 years havent been our worst by a longshot-they have been the most hopeless with no QB,bad OTs,bad or overrated DEs,weak LBs.Even if the mgmt of this team makes all the right moves(highly unlikely but lets give them a chance)we are still 2-3 yrs away from having a real team.-Thats a lotttt of time gone by.
  13. This is beyond stupid.This is the twilight zone.
  14. went to the canadian side over cmas...missed the exit initially for the bridge. 2 blocks down was the worst of slums.i mean new orleans bad..worse than the fruitbelt
  15. decoration with Bills gear will guarantee that none of the annoying hot chicks will ever bother you
  16. what year you graduate from HS?..i knew Bob Kaufman..lol--and i must know you.i lived closer than a stones throw from him.sheesh--sammmalleffing world. just noticed u graduated in 78. i gradded in 76..maybe i dont know u--didnt hang out with younger kids much as a youth..but u never know
  17. no rock drummer could touch Joe Morello technically
  18. wow SJB--u musta lived in chapel woods....i didnt live far from there...-my little sis was buddies with Butch's daughter
  19. hes not even an almoster...hes in the hall of fame for the overrated already
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