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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. good points..but anyone could see (after a few games and with an unbraindead QB) that gailey has a terrific offensive mind.we have yet to see whether haley is just a dope or whether he is one of those guys where every single aspect of the game has to be under his control.
  2. I think Ralph(who is as poor an owner re: putting winning teams on the field as Lil Danny is-but isn't in any way the weasel that Danny is) is given way too much credit for staying in Buffalo. With revenue sharing and a rabid little fan base--Ralph did just fine $wise.Secondly--or even firstly--Buffalo is an hour flight from home in Detroit.Very convenient for Mr. Wilson I dare say.His franchise is worth almost a billion dollars.Buffalo been bery bery good to Ralph.
  3. yikes---i remember as a young guy swimming waaaaaaaay out there from the south FL beaches.I'd go out so far I'd hit sand bars. Occasionally I'd feel something bump against my leg.Aaah the naivete/feeling of immortality we have in our teens and twenties.
  4. God bless him..probably added 30 yrs to his life.More guys should consider that. Im my biz I treat several ex-pro football guys-ex-raiders mostly due to the area I'm in. Its really not a pretty picture with these guys and their health. Most seem way older than their real age -even the smaller speed guys.
  5. He is just a lousy football player.Nothing to do with lack of weight,waist size,braincircumference.If the problems were his lack in these areas we still would have seen flashes of potential.We saw nothing but a player who got so dominated every play it was embarrassing.You'd think he would get lucky on a play or two--like the QB accidentally running into him or the Olineman in front of him gets a massive leg cramp or pulls to block on the wrong play-something to make it look like he did something.We didn't even get that.Like someone said earlier-anyone with anything to do with that draft pick should be exiled-along with whoever extended Kelsays contract.-We can all still hope that these decision makers aren't the same ones making the decisions in this next draft.
  6. worst D front 7 in the league and you want to attack it with a 3rd rounder? crazy.We'll be giving up 200 yds/game again on the ground and will have no passrush again.merriman is oft unjured and was his best on roids.
  7. True. But this 'group'-Ralph included--extended Kelsay.We're all still shaking our heads.
  8. sanchez and thebillsbomber are equal at this point.
  9. right on ghost...i would wager closer to a 4.9 than 4.5. people can get really absurd with the hype.A 300 lb man cant move that fast.
  10. Whitner--a hard hitting,tough little guy with poor hands,no big play ability,barely average coverage skills and slightly below average overall 'smart football instincts'. Let someone else overpay him;and save the $ for a free agent.
  11. Lombardi,Belichek,Walsh--in no particular order.
  12. you nailed it Marvs neighbor
  13. The redskins have an eye for talent like whitner
  14. So if its just a poor schmuck employee he should lose his job--and have his resume screwed up for 15 yrs while he looks for work---and the player should just get a fine/suspension??? Hmmmm. How about suspending the guy(if its a non-player) for a long while without pay--and let him earn his way back. Not defending the j*****ff employeee--just objecting to the unequal punishment that will likely come from a regular joe employeee vs a player.
  15. gotta remember we were totally dominated last week by Pitt----only they were screwing around letting us stay close.Dont see much difference this week exc MINN is putting the points on the board that they should.We have no D front 7 and suspect OTs.
  16. I agree with you. I still find the kelsay extension very disturbing. A bad organization makes more poor decisions than good ones.-And the Bills have been phenomenally inept over most of their 50 year history w/ the exception of the Polian years,the couple of Knox yrs and the couple of saban years.Naturally Ralph either fired or made the work environment intolerable for these guys.--The amount of bad decisions this organization makes dwarfs the amount of good moves they make.-We obviously need LBs and DEs this draft.We all hope some of that gets done.But Kelsay was extended under Nix's watch---so we can't be confident that we won't draft another complete fraud like Maybin or average players like Poz or Whitner with valuable high picks.
  17. unbelievable talent.i knew him (not close friends but acquaintance) in Buffalo.Nice guy. Then ran into him briefly in Northern CA when he wasn't in the best of shape.He seems like a good guy with a good heart.So glad he has it together.
  18. QB,DE,OT,OLB,ILB--best players available takes priority over need because we need all of them.
  19. i like the mental patient look the beard gives him.so sure -he should be the face of the buffalo bills.it fits the quality of our mgmt.
  20. proof that there is one team in the nfl w/ dumber mgmt(post-Millen) than the Buffalo Bills.
  21. Kelsay is a decent backup DE.Sometimes. We should trade him to the only team with dumber mgmt than ours...the washington Redskins.
  22. -I'm over 50..have had a couple spinal surgeries...and I KNOW Matt Cassell couldn't juke me like that;)
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