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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Obviously there are 100 Bills more deserving than Hansen based on talent/accomplishment.BUT....Ralph is what?92?93? It was an old man's sentimental move.He happens to like Hansen--and its his way of showing his appreciation to someone he likes while he is still able. PS--There are several Bills more deserving than Cornelius.Cornelius was a great talent but only a very good LB(exc for his rookie year when he was phenomenal)
  2. Vince Young is the best QB out there..(Hes available isn't he??) A tremendous athlete ,a winner, a nut job and a crybaby.
  3. so true..-Bills havent earned being part of the conversation...The Browns,Bengals,lions,Bills,Cardinals..its all about lousy ownership.--oops forget the Jets
  4. walterfootball could very well be right. we are the godddawful,horribly run buffalo bills. lets wait at least few more years to fix the worst front 7 in football.just in time for kyle williams to start aging or getting slowed by injuries.
  5. wow. thanks for sharing the story. must admit i shed a few tears. inspiring.
  6. If Pegula buys the Bills he will have less than 3 billion in the bank.He'll have to get a part time job.
  7. I admit I have sinned a lot. But as much as Kelly??/
  8. I'm almost afraid to ask what Leodis's score was.....
  9. so kelly and marino have IQs around 95.
  10. he had heart disease/arteriosclerosis that may have been unknown---beyond just a BP/cholesterol issue.with his knee surgeries etc he woulda been pretty closely monitored for his BP. statins are still a bit controversial--not re: their benefit in certain situations---but in their benefit for the wide range of people with high triglycerides without a significant # of other inclusive factors.
  11. If we can get Young we should.He is just as good of a QB as Fitz.- If Fitz goes down we automatically become the worst team in the NFL the way we sit now. Let him be the backup for cheap.-I don't think this is a good QB year(not convinced about Newton).
  12. great question...I'd say a biscuit(too bad he never reached those heights again-coulda been an all time great) with Cribbs,Joe D and Dubenion tied for second.
  13. I don't think OJ took that many helmet to helmets as say a Walter Payton or an Earl campbell due to his running style.I think OJs problem was everyone kissing his arse for 30 years.When he couldn't control things he became crazy. PS-I do treat some of the old timers in my biz--ex-raiders mostly--and these guys are a mess believe me- although I do not specifically treat concussions. I think -as someone mentioned earlier-that the game is definitely more violent--specifically re: the head shots/spearing by some of the punks in the league.However,what may be an equaling factor is that in the old days the concussion treatment was less advanced and the protocols for getting a guy off the field were looser.
  14. I think some people who are big and strong just aren't very good athletes.Being muscle bound doesn't change a poor athlete from being a poor athlete...In fact it may just make him even slower in quickness and reflex.So I don't know exactly what 'physical tools' are....Usually that is a prelude(when it is emphasized) to the fact that a guy isn't a good athlete.Ted Washington looked like a fat blob physically.But he was amazingly quick and no one..NO ONE--no offensive lineman could move him/stand him up.Bobby Chandler was small(180lbs) and slow--great great receiver though.Got open--dove for balls/jumped for balls--and came up with the catch against guys who were twice as fast and had twice the leaping ability that he had.
  15. wow--i was excited about the possibility of him being an UDFA til I saw the film.Those are the Highlights? He looks terrible-no football ability-little to no quickness.Too bad the guy looks like a beast in the weight room.But as you say UDFA--so what the heck give him a shot..
  16. Good points re: franchise QBs.-However,many people don't think Newton is that kinda QB.I was more impressed with Vick as a collegian-and they were similar QBs.-And I don't think ELI is a franchise QB.Yes he had a great run in the playoffs that one year.But remember that Giant fans wanted to run him out of town for his first few years.And I think if you polled Giant fans on whether they think he is a 'franchise' QB you may be surprised by the results .
  17. we have the worst d front 7 in the game.that and an OT problem .get those little things fixed and we are a 9-7 team.
  18. hehe----deion sanders,steve young,tim brown(completely uncoverable-and with lousy QBs most of his career),chris carter,..this thread is too much.. But in the spirit of this thread I nominate Reggie White--bad 40 times,didnt do well on the superstars competition and more stuff i cant think of right now.
  19. hardy?? physical freak??..he caught like a girl..a tall girl
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