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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. tebow would neutralize buffalo's travis henry karma..if you want the new age view
  2. You are correct that the link is not 'certain'.However,it seems that an awful lot of these athletes are ending up in nursing homes at very young ages.I would like to see the actual statistics though. My educated guess is that the incidence of dementia--even frontotemporal--is much higher in those who have had head trauma through football or boxing or auto accidents or other reasons. There of course are people who--with no know history of trauma---develope dementia at an early age. I would think that 100% certain correlation betw repeat trauma and many dementias is impossible to ascertain.Tricky thing the brain.
  3. RIP...one of the all time great TEs along with Winslow and a few others. The dementia issue is very tough...because all the money in the world--while it may give the present players good care--won't prevent them from getting dementia due to the concussions/trauma.Very serious issue...-although I think most of us would take the fame and fortune despite the risk of serious brain issues starting at even younger than 50.
  4. RE: #2.There were a lot of potential OJs and Elways out there that minor twists of physical/mental fate messed up. Sadly a minor auto accident or fall from a tree--when the injuries aren't properly tended to-can cut off an athletic career -or make that great young athlete only good--at age 12,age 15,age 20...
  5. You nailed it zulu. Its a miracle so many tickets are sold given this disgrace of a franchise.It already is regionalized. Ralph just fleeced Toronto for tens of millions. The regionalizing thing is just a front.Bills country goes from east of Hamilton to Syracuse(half of).Thats 3 + million--enough to justify a franchise.
  6. Buftex I was at that game.I remember a few people at the stadium who weren't drunk out of their minds.And the traffic jams. PS-you a Treme fan? I think a lot of us Treme fans are musicians.
  7. ..and such is the sad story of Ralph's ownership/mismanagement.After driving off the great football men we had in the organization Saban,Chuck,Polian,we would sink into more years of misery.
  8. Wow hard to believe 3 yrs.-I was visiting Buffalo-- working out at a gym in Williamsville-and saw the headline on one of the TVs. Felt sick..then shed a few tears.I'm sure a few of you guys did too.58 was way too young. Buffalo lost its greatest ambassador that day.
  9. owner:0.8(little danny is 0.1)(Rooneys 10.0) QB:5.0--love Fitz altho I realize he doesn't have much talent Coach:6.0--Gailey did a good job last year FO:1(would have been 0.1 due to signing Kelsay-but at least we got a real D lineman in the draft) Coaching Staff: unfair to judge them given our horrid talent level on D--but I'd say a 4.0 Intangibles:1.2 sheesh I agree with the guy a lot
  10. I disagree. While most Bills fans overrate Bills players...I feel that Jackson is one of the better running backs in the game even at his age. Its a shame he didn't get started earlier in the NFL.--Lynch(2 yards and a cloud of dust)carried his mediocrity onto Seattle.One run doesn't make a season. Right on the money. It was glaringly obvious that Jackson was the better runner.Hard to believe some Bills fans couldn't recognize that when it was staring them in the face.
  11. I've heard Ralph has some pretty racy Betty Grable posters.
  12. I agree on Niagara falls. Build on the Indian reservation.Buffalo Bill--Wild West show at halftime. Smoke signals...Would be a huge fan draw not just in western NY and South Ontario but worldwide.Give a small chunk of the team to the tribe and get outrageous tax breaks.-Plenty of unused land to build on.Just as convenient to get to for Buffalonians and Rochesterians--and easier for the Canadians.And they would still be the Buffalo Bills.
  13. I think that in the cities with chronically pathetic teams---like Buffalo,Cleveland,Detroit,Washington--the crime rate will go down. Blood pressure will go down...the divorce rate will plummet...obesity will be reduced.
  14. JB was one of the top 3-4 receivers in the game in the early 80s. His only--and slight flaw as a receiver was his tendency to jump AND to catch the ball into his body on over the middle patterns.-A remarkable talent.
  15. Dear Ralph: Thank you for keeping the Bills in Buffalo. The other stuff--like knowing how to run a football organization..-well lets face it you are awful.But still thanks for the Bills.Winning isn't everything.
  16. just what the Buffalo area needs--more taxes.thats the govt motto---just a liiiiiiittttle more wont hurt us--and look at all the wonderful things it will bring.let the damn owners finance it like you finance most other businesses.
  17. our front 7...1 excellent player,1 mediocre player,5 awful players. I think we will have 2 excellent players next year---with just the hope of having 1 or 2 average or good players among the rest.
  18. fred jackson,steve johnson,kyle williams--the only 3 Bills that should even be close to top 100.probbly kyle shoulda been in there.
  19. its better if we are 8-8.if we aren't then this years draft has been a bust and #1 next year won't mean much.-UNLESS we lose tons of games by 1 point after outplaying the opponent.
  20. and Gayle Sayers only played a few seasons of football
  21. I disagree with your statement that Bennett was one of the best to ever play his position. I'd say he could have been one of the best.-And I think this will be reflected in the fact that he won't sniff the HOF.
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