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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Marv has been a bit spacey---but I dont find him annoying
  2. Fitz is more rootable for though with the beard. With the beard I think he has Rasputin-like powers.
  3. Marshawn--AVERAGE Antowain Smith-AVG-GOOD--since he was at least as good as Marshawn and picked lower. Burris=average and no really great players picked since 1990...Moulds maybe borderline great...- but that says a lot.
  4. a dominant player ala Reggie White and LT....didn't get the publicity though
  5. you bring up a good point....but if you know something about concussions(im a quasi-expert--i work with a lot of concussed people) there is a time after the initial concussion where the healing process has things in place--proper spinal fluid pressure,brain/barrier factors are OK---but this situation is very very tenuous. Some of the neuros that I have talked to say that it takes years for this healing to stabilize. So to throw a guy in a game again after a few weeks.......well- he may perform quite well for a game--possibly two.But ANY josling,ANY hits,ANY sudden stops and starts or even just the throwing motion can knock that delicate healing process out of wack.-And then the individual is worse than when he started.And if its a hard hit he takes then he is worse off than after the initial concussion and more brain damage can occur.- The SD game showed what a healthy trent could do---and that is be a decent,overly careful,kinda weak armed QB.After that game he turned into a joke-and I don't think he was a joke before the concussion...overly careful and trentative--but not a joke.
  6. I think you could take Earthquake Enyart--right here and now at age(67?)--stretch him out a bit,get him on the treadmill for a few weeks--and he could -at RB-outdo what Maybin did at DE.
  7. I really think most people seem to get it wrong about Trent. He was a decent ,low risk,good buttonhook poof passer with good pocket presence and no happy feet in the pocket til he was concussed massively. After the concussion he was a shell of himself. Every weakness that he had pre-concussion was magnified 100x after the concussion. I don't think he could play fopr a high school team effectively at this point---and is one concussion (if that) away from having very serious health problems. I just can't feel anything but pity for the guy now.I don't think his bizarre post concussion play is anything to rag on him about.That 4th and game running out of bounds stuff is more of a scary symptom than a character defect.
  8. lechler is one of the all time greats
  9. I'd give faulk a sliiiiight edge because of his speed.
  10. i can maybe name 10.....and andre reed isnt one of them.shannon sharpe belongs in the hall.
  11. I'm a huge Fitz fan...mainly cuz he is gutsy and fun to root for and has the unibomber beard. I think Plunket had 1. a larger resume by far before he hit the Raiders 2.A MUCH MUCH better team to work with. Fitz did some good stuff in Cincy that is often overlooked. He is one of those guys who seems to get the job done even if its in an untalented/funny way. Go Fitz.
  12. have to disagree about the issue being desire...-i just dont think he has talent. a guy without the desire but with the talent would at least show SOMETHING. maybin has shown nothing. its not his fault that he was put in a position to make a few sacks at one stretch in one college season---enough to fool a dumb organization like buffalo.he got incredibly lucky financially--and the price he paid for it was to be made to look foolish out on the football field-and have to take a lot of ridicule. yes i think he is immature, and he may not be the hardest working guy either---but i dont think thats the core of it.
  13. The pilsbury doughboy had great stats at Pitt...-Couldn't get the ball there in the NFL.Poof arm. Dinks and dunks can turn into a lot of completion % and yards in college in a great program. He still may end up being a decent QB but his arm is pretty sad.
  14. "Tebow has a much stronger arm than Leinert"--thats not saying much..
  15. soft spoken giant.. RIP big man
  16. Its amazing that the league still allows him to play.His post -concussion play was so sad,so pathetic that you had to feel sorry for him. I'm serious--he is a couple of rough hits to the noggin away from a care home.The league needs to get a handle on this.
  17. hehe...right on.A baaaarely--and i mean baaaarely avg LB-and injury prone to boot---getting megabucks. Gotta shake your head at this one.Complete joke. I like POZ ..he works hard..doesn't loaf.Good guy. Guess I'm happy for him.
  18. borderline HoF talent.Suffered from mediocre to avg QBing.Bulked up too much at end of career -prematurely lost some speed & maneuverability.
  19. God bless you and your family.-A mom's love is eternal. Peace.
  20. I like POZ. Barely average LB who someone will overpay for.
  21. I think #25 is the 25th worst player..etc etc. Which only proves that many outside Buffalo haven't seen Maybin in action. I can't remember a worse player than Maybin.-Some really bad players will luck into a good play here and there.Not Maybin.
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