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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. yes there is......that personal foul was one of the worst calls ive seen in a while
  2. our D coordinator needs to go. rush 3 men?? thats jauronlike stupidity
  3. this is a joke so far. i think most of us realize that you cant play contain defense against this team. we have no passrushers--so we have to invent a passrush-do some blitzing. so what if we give up some big plays? ..its gonna be different than what is going on now? sad.---we could have great DBs but with zero pressure this team will still pick you apart. Our D front 7 is still very weak.
  4. I agree--our offense should move the ball against NE. However,we will need to take advantage of every scoring opportunity---because our so far Zero pass rush combined w NEs excellent protection and Brady will likely eat up time and score at will against us. Our best bet is to invent a passrush to at least bother old Tom.--So we give up some big plays---that is going to happen anyway(maybe at a slightly slower rate) if we try to play the contain game.-Lets get creative with the blitzes.We really have nothing to lose.
  5. mmm...Our front 7 isnt at the 87 level...not even close. But directionwise you have something there--we hope.
  6. I see this game 38-24 PATS....unless The Bills can invent a pass rush. I'd rather give up some big plays due to too much blitzing vs. sitting back and getting picked apart.-Shake up old Tom a bit.
  7. The raiders seemed to be getting a pretty good push. Chan smartly designed and called very quick release plays for this offense.
  8. hmm.. 40 yrs old and 400 LBs...maaaaybe for that goal line stand
  9. hehe..that worked for me one entire season- I was betting NFL games(all 16 each week)for 4 weeks--and losing about 2/3 of the time.I started betting against opposite of what I really thought.Won 2/3 of games for the rest of the season
  10. He has very good hands.He will never be a strong guy-he just isn't put together that way. Putting on weight will only slow him down. He isn't in McCaffrey's league.Maybe down the road.
  11. That was one of the stranger things I've seen in football. I believe the ball went right thru the torso of the defender and into Chandler's hands...-I think Giordano(sp?) dematerialized for just a second there.
  12. u can forgive McKelvin the first 2 screwups..--but the TD bomb was slightly underthrown--McK had the guy stride for stride---and he slows up when the receiver slows up for the ball. That was just a footballdumb McKelvin move.
  13. yeah you dont need to pay any attention to mcfadden........
  14. and if u get stopped they are still jammed down at the 5 -and a chance to get ball back w field position
  15. very good...a shame Freddies career began at age 27.Bunch of blind talent scouts out there. He is a remarkable runner.
  16. If you've read A grief observed then certainly you've read The Problem of Pain.That may have been my fave CS Lewis writing. James Lee Burke writes formidable,deep books that really are a spiritual experience.Stuart Kaminsky has several excellent series.Archer Mayor is a terrific writer although not as well known as the 2 I mentioned. aaah a Dan Simmons mention. Excellent writer in his various series.
  17. Wow. after reading this entire thread-with all these memories brought back---someone needs to write a book...- and call it The Buffalo Bills: An American Tragedy
  18. Just give it to 'em game--I was in a hotel room alone in Los Angeles--recovering from spinal surgery.... ...closely followed by the news that Kelsay was extended for millions of dollars.--Both sad events in their own ways.
  19. Interesting comparison Bowery......never thought of it before...similar arm strength(average)..both pretty good athletes --both smart...--Kemp a bit more accurate..
  20. Rice wasn't fast when being timed. I never saw him get caught from behind at SF.He had a heck of a lot of 10 yard passes that he turned into 40-80 yard gains.
  21. The D line has 2 very good players for the 1st time since Bruce and fat Ted lined up together. Amazing what not getting pushed around on the D line does for a team.
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