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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. those are 300,000 + potential taxpayers. many who are in poverty and are tax receivers(to a large extent) and not taxpayers. so i dont think they will be paying their share.you are also figuring payments over 10 years. is this money going to be interest free? if you finance 100 mil over 10 yrs you will pay nearly double that amt. and half the people you claim will be paying it. so figure 150/yr per taxpayer. this in an economy where govt employee pensions are grossly underfunded and still sucking the life out of taxpayers already. let the billionaires and millionaires who are buying this team and who stand to make great revenue pony up the bucks.
  2. Our D has improved over last year.And yes we have faced elite talents. --I wouldn't call our D as a whole horrible.We have DB playmakers and we have 2 good D linemen. But lets be honest our LBs individually and as a group are poor to mediocre.-Lets hope this D does keep improving as the year wears on.I can see that.But we need some serious LB help this offseason thru the draft/free agency.
  3. -now thats some good stuff...-miss that show
  4. Thats not my take at all on the situation.Not sure where you came up with that.
  5. There are none.Exc maybe GB.But does that mean there is something wrong with discussing the weaknesses of your team?
  6. Yes I agree.That doesnt mean people cant critique the defense.
  7. we have the worst LBs in the league(bottom 4 anyway)-the D line isnt getting pushed around as much as last year. Our DBs are above average.
  8. infinite # of profanities being uttered in Philly
  9. gets open, sure hands.not a star but a pleasant surprise and an important part of the team.
  10. If you buy or start a business for 100,000....then you sell it for 400,000 you have to pay capital gains on the 300,000 difference.Unfortunately. Inflation isn't even put into the equation.Sucks.
  11. Mr.Davis was in Very rough shape for the past 5 yrs. RIP you saint/rascal.Thanks for keeping things interesting.
  12. Limbaugh survives because a lot of people listen to his show.His sponsors looked at those #s and decided to advertise. So while you and many others dislike Limbaugh--your non-support of his sponsors is more symbolic and personal has nothing to do with his survival.
  13. While I agree there was no legally unjust firing RE: NPR and Juan Williams---Its pretty obvious that NPR came down on Williams because he didn't toe the line in the liberal manner that NPR is so famous for. NPR 'journalists' consistently violate their roles as 'reporter/analysts' with their slant on the news.The only reprimand given around NPR was for a comment deemed to be politically incorrect/insensitive to the liberal left. -Show me the reprimand for an equivalent action taken on one of their journalists for some left leaning comment.
  14. hopefully my prediction is wrong
  15. Smokey and The Bandit II -Artistically and emotionally just didn't touch me like Smokey and The Bandit I did.
  16. Having married priests isnt an answer. Pedophiles--or in the catholic church's case even more homosexuals into molesting teen boys--gravitate toward professions where they have access to these kids.--whether its coaches, music teachers etc. And the problem has been just as great %wise in the protestant and Jewish temples/churches--but the catholics are the biggest on the block so they got most of the pub. Do you really think someone gets attracted to children BECAUSE they go into a profession that doesnt allow them to marry?? That the frustration over not having sex makes them switch from heterosexual sexual urges to urges of pedophilia?? hardly. If It were a problem of not being able to get married they would #1--not go into the priesthood in the first place --OR-they would just go have sex secretly with some adult women-There are plenty out there. The catholic church has largely cleaned up its act in this country in the past 15 yrs. What happened is obviously outrageous --but the situation is much better now. Those guilty priests should all be in or should have been put in prison and the key to their cell should have been thrown away.
  17. Unfortunately we have only 2 and a half good players on our D front 7. So--due to many years of poor drafting we can't afford to go after another corner. We need a front 7 player in the first round again.
  18. gotta agree w sjb on this one--even though it is kinda sickening. if u dont go letter of law then u leave it to officials discretion and it becomes chaos. --how about the horse collar rule?? i think thats bs--cant tackle by the inside of someones shoulder pads??--now this pansy football stuff is getting out of hand. what next?? -you can't grab someone by the shoe cuz it might hurt their foot??
  19. thing is--we better sign him for 'decent' money-and not wait forever....because some team-say a team that pays POZ $15 mil up front--will pay him a ridiculous sum. and of course we want and need Fitzy as our QB.
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