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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. We have to remember that this was the worst D front 7 in the game last year. We added Dareus...but that got nullified by Kyle being out. We are back to last years squad approximately.
  2. its amazing what life throws at us....good job to stop and help and good job to ask for prayers.will do.
  3. cripe--most of those FA moves were the correct moves.you wanna rip Ralph let a real Bills fan do it;)
  4. we older guys remember when chippewa was chippewa.whole different medication needed in those days...from what ive heard..
  5. Certainly a darkish piece/article.-But after reading/absorbing it I don't find it negative at the core. I left Buffalo because I felt trapped there..-But it wasn't the city's fault. It was more my own being in a rut. I needed to get out.--And I think a lot of young people felt confined by the weather,the scarcity of jobs,the same old routine and the same old people knowing your faults/mistakes only too well. Could very well be that SOME of those who stayed felt more secure and happier with themselves than those who left. Others had family businesses etc and good situations that they didnt want to leave.Or their whole family was there--and they liked/got a long with their family:) I love Buffalo.And I visit often.
  6. The best teams are built from inside out.So unless by some freak of nature there is a huge steal available with the 19th(or so) pick w/ a WR or CB..-we need to bolster the front 7 first.LB is the priority...but D lineman if that is the best player available. Yes we need help almost everywhere. But we have a decent O line. We have average CBs and good safeties.We have a decent receiving corps.We have lousy LBs. We have one very good D lineman and another vg one who may have a troubling injury.No depth on the D line and one decent LB .
  7. Pass interference.Offensive holding.--Unless its a mugging should rarely be called. Ruins the game. A ticky tack bump of the receiver on a long pass shouldnt result in a 50 yard penalty. A mugging should be looked at differently. A holding waaay away from where a play is shouldn't necessarily be enforced. etc. Are these the type of things that can be improved with full time refs???perhaps. Replay could be greatly helped if they had a few more cameras at the game.-a multi-billion dollar league shouldn't be so cheap.-Could replay be helped by full time refs?? probably. A lot of this stuff could be improved with common sense and all the refs being on the same page. As you say maybe their part time status doesn't allow different ref crews to spend enough time together in meetings to coordinate and standardize their reffing.
  8. the lack of patience by Bills fans on this board is disgusting
  9. I wouldn't know about todays fans..I havent been to a pro game in 35 years...even though I went to most of the Bills games betw 64 and 76. It must be very bad now---because it wasnt a pretty picture back in the day..esp early 70s on. The first game at Rich was the biggest drunkfest I had seen in my life to that point. I guess a lot of frustrated people get to act like big men when they are drunk and abusive.Sad.
  10. And there are so many ways Spiller could have been used to counteract what the Jets were doing yesterday...makes your head spin.-And most of those things involve him catching the ball. From what we have seen the kid has very good hands...and could have gotten good separation(to say the least) on those Jet LBs.
  11. D front 7 of course..preferrably OLB if a stud is there.
  12. we should have gone w some no huddle....at least picked up the tempo on offense. we allowed them to get too set.
  13. deep? ok..if you mean 30 yards downfield ok. Thats how long in the air Fitzys bomb was to stevie.if you mean a 50 yard(if lucky) floating jump ball thats ok too.But the DBs can afford to play awfully tight in coverage even on the so called deep patterns because they know they cant be burned past 50 yds max. We and Chan and Fitzy need to realize fitzy's limitations. he can do a lot if he plays very smart and stays within his game. Fitz also needs to take charge on a 4th and inches type call.And not be completely dependent on Chan for the play call.He needs to charge up to the line of scrimmage like a leader,call a quick hitter--and not wait for the sidelines and some call where the D gets a chance to get set up.
  14. i thught he made the first--but itt was still a bad challenge--unprovable. then the slowwwwwwwww developing run---inexplicable
  15. he looks like hes on valium.... great hands by Nelson
  16. gawdawful O so far...shouldnt be that way in our own place-we look intimidated on O
  17. I remember little calvin twirling the baton and heaving it to the heavens and catching it at the old rockpile--good memory. back to the Braves--they were a lot of fun. I remember when Downtown Freddie Hilton went off for 30+ points one game. The guy would heave up 35 ft 2 pointers all nite. and I remember the game where they beat Lew Alcindor and the bucks by about 50 points....they were hitting everything that night.
  18. Just because he ran 10 yards past the QB doesn't mean he wasn't working hard.he was a 240LBer going against 330 LB tackles--so I guess he felt the best way to get to the QB was to go around the tackle.It wasnt like he was LT(another 240 LBer) with superhuman talent or strength. -This was the reason I thought he was overrated-because he was often neutralized for lonnnng periods of the game esp against the pass. He would sneak in there and get his sacks.And he was solid vs the run.
  19. Schobel was a real pro. Undersized but country strong.Played hard all the time.-I think he was overrated--but I still think he was an above average DE on a bunch of lousy teams .I don't blame the guy at all for retiring from a team with bad mgmt and zero direction. He paid his dues.If he could foresee what would happen with Chan,w Fitzys development etc etc sure maybe he woulda stayed a few more years. But I think the guy made the wise decision and got out of the game with plenty of money and his health seemingly intact.
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