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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. the motel 6 in Lackawanna is only a hop skip and a jump away from the stadium.
  2. True...Kelly accomplished waay more. But he had better talent around him and he wasn't QBing on one leg. I would take Namath at his peak(however brief) over Kelly at his peak.
  3. Namath wasn't overrated at all.Those who put down his QBing either aren't old enough to have seen him play or are ignorant of the circumstances he played under. He was playing on one leg most of his career.His knee was completely trashed--and they didn't have the medical ability to repair it back in those days. He had possibly the most compact/quick release of any QB til Marino came around.
  4. If this is true its the case of a bad franchise being penny smart and pound foolish. Of course they dont have to pay him--and hes getting old. -But down the road that hurts the Bills ability to secure free agents because of the bad rep/cheapness factor. You dont break the bank for the guy---but 6-7 million over 2 years seems reasonable.-And CJ--although great at what he does-is not an every down carry the load back.He gets squashed like a waterbug at the LOS.They will make a great 1-2 punch--15-20 touches each...and that will extend Fred's career.
  5. Certainly wish POZ the best.While not a very good LB(he is an average LB) he is a hardworker and a tough guy.Its not his fault he was grossly overpaid by Jax.Good for him. Take the money and run.And get well soon.
  6. really sad to see 2 games end that way.i have zero interest in the SB
  7. i hate football....completely lost interest in it after those 2 plays. good job Lee.what complete bs.sickening.
  8. the worst thing would be for the bills to go somewhere else---and become a winning well run franchise. would be better if the team just disappeared. really a shame that ralph is so clueless about the game of football. i doubt jacobs or pegula will let the bills leave---but if they do leave thats it...no more NFL in Buffalo.
  9. bflo john and kevin---right on--build from the ins out--like the good franchises do.
  10. That is easily explained if you know the mechanism/physiology of concussions.you can have a fairly severe concussion--then rest it and have fairly full functioning after. the problem is---the healing is very fragile--like an eggshell.someone could perform very well soon after this concussion. the problem is--any contact/josling/quick movements can initiate further inflammation of the dura and/or compromise of the blood brain barrier. Further symptoms can easily be and often are delayed.---So yes it is possible---and often happens in those who come back from concussions too soon---that they can perform well for a game(or two) and then be in a worse situation medically than they were after the initial concussion. I deal with concussions in my biz(no--Im not an expert but I refer to and confer with experts all the time).
  11. Freddie and Spiller are close vs thermal and Davis......but you are right Byrd,Darius,maybe Williams.Thats it. Punters/PKs dont count.
  12. -with photos of him entering a rusty mobile home in Clear Lake CA
  13. didnt like greggs prevent defense that last drive. you were stopping them with the blitz gregg...
  14. largely agree with your post re: Gregg and Donte...however, I'm not so convinced about chan.i'm not sure he is head coach material based on his decision making for more than half the 011 season.We'll see.
  15. Don't get blinded by stats.Fitz has a fairly high completion %--and half the time can't hit the broadside of a barn(altho half the time he does manage to hit the very short routes up the middle). He(Smith) was playing on a and for a nightmarishly poor organization and just as bad coaching. He IS an accurate passer. And yes of course I make all my decisions based on seeing him for one game.-Thats why i thought RJ was such a wonderful pick up for the Bills.
  16. Brady Quinn....-I guess that would be a Bills-like acquisition.I guess we need 2 back-up QBs.
  17. Smith at least had the tools to improve.He is an accurate passer. Of course he now has a great coach and an almost great D.He also has excellent WRs and TE and RB. Fitzy would be much better(than he is now) with this superior coach and the superior D and the superior WRs/TE....However, he doesnt have the accuracy that Smith has(or even the arm strength-altho Smith doesnt have that strong of an arm)- and that will always be a problem.
  18. Whitner played just the way he always plays.Hard hitter,little to no ball skills,bad angles on tackles-stupid plays on pass routes.Thankfully for him he had a vgood Niner D and a choking Gregg Williams/saint D to cover up for his enormous mistake at the end.
  19. and that proves????...-Yes--that Denver shouldnt have been able to host a playoff game at 8-8
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