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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. meachum..yawwn mario--we get that done then we know the bills are finally getting it.
  2. good job.--but we are going to need a couple of D front 7 hits in addition to Mario to become solid on D. Our LBs presently are horrible---w poss exc of Barnett. This is a team that gave up 49 straight points to NE last year--and was humiliated week after week by some bad teams. Lets keep it real. MARIO ..PLUS LB LB LB in this draft. i agree.....but id rather have florence in there than McKelvin. McKelvin is just not a smart player.
  3. 5 million per year plus lifetime free food and beverage anywhere on hertel ave.
  4. Too early to condemn Nix or to praise him that much either. This team is full of holes.More than most NFL teams.-The result of the maybin/donte-like decisions over many seasons.-Problem is its really hard to dig out of a hole like this because there is absolutely no room for mistakes or injuries.One injury to a key piece like Kyle devastates a front 7 that has only 2 other legit starters on it. One lousy first round pick and the team either slides backward or treads water-while a guy like Fred ages and becomes less part of its possible winning future. Thats why I and others preach building this team from the inside out.And hoping we get lucky with the picks and avoid injuries to key players like Kyle. Not optimistic about this team ,,But not necc blaming it of Buddy either.
  5. even the common usage verb definitions really arent similar in meaning at all.substitute one word for the other in a sentence and it distinctly changes the meaning.
  6. I completely agree with you. He has definitely grown into the role.And he is Montana-like in the playoffs. The hall of fame stuff---he is marginal if you base any degree of it on his regular season play.And thats not a put down.The guy is a very good QB--and he is absolutely amazing come playoff time.
  7. mmmmmm........based on postseason probbly.regular season-wise he is not a hall of famer. most giant fans were ready to dump him after his first several seasons
  8. Leodis was single digits too...and they both are zillionaires...maybe not so dumb;)
  9. man oh man----that was a bit easy..and im no genius to say the least. --ps--i protest--reserve and preserve do NOT have similar meanings!!!
  10. I agree that those QBs didnt make Reid look good.Reid is a good coach. But I'm not convinced he is any QB coaching genius either. McNabb was toast by his latter days at Philly anyway.He had deteriorated a lot from his early days in Philly although it wasn't age that did it.He shoulda still been in his prime. -The dogkiller was actually very similar in ATL to what he is in Philly---a freakishly great athlete and a B- QB. Hopefully Edwards will never play. He is one hard hit away from not knowing his name anymore. He could actually play 'decently'(you know-move the ball betw the 20s decently with buttonhook pass patterns) for a game or two til he gets tapped on the skull.
  11. Not unreasonable. -But the Bills at this point need to draft the best available D front 7 talent with their first pick. If Upshaw is that guy then fine.--If its a tie betw a lineman and a LB I'd go lineman.Build from insidest out. Merriman--after his new surgery-is nothing to plan around.Give him a shot but he is a long shot.With their 2nd pick same damn thing---best front 7 available.
  12. agree...building from the outside in is a recipe for failure.
  13. Very true.However, a lot of good decision making went into having that good team and that stockpile of choices.-So one should give the Pats the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't complete luck on their part that Gronk turned out to be a great player.
  14. Gayle Sayers,Joe Namath............-and one guy left out who I always felt never got his due---Freeman McNeil
  15. Patriots drafting of Gronk...while slightly controversial at the time-is further evidence that they are a superior organization to just about every organization in the NFL. They just make a higher % of good decisions than the Buffalos and Clevelands. That said(sounds Seinfeldish)-the non-drafting of Gronk in itself is nothing to beat the Bills organization up about.
  16. I find it real hard believing Tim Brown isn't a first balloter:Let alone not making the top 10. I think he was an unstoppable player.--Just like in the NBA you couldn't stop Adrian Dantley on the drive ...-you couldn't stop Tim Brown on a pass route.-And he generally had crap QBs throwing to him until Rich Gannon came along(and he couldnt throw a deep ball).
  17. I don't remember trying to disallow your opinion. I just find it a bit of a stretch that there is NO question that he is better than Montana was.Thats my opinion.--I think Brady is a great QB.And deserves to be in the discussion when talking about the all-time greats.
  18. Montana is the best QB I've seen. Marino is the best passer.Elway,Favre,Young,Roethlisberger had/have monster ability. Eli has the ability in the clutch that Montana had. Brady is as cool under pressure.He is the junior Montana.Not quite there.
  19. cripe that was close....didnt really care who won the game. dont understand why coaches dont send a blitzer or two on last minute drives-esp the hail mary throw---although the giants do get excellent pressure consistently out of their front 4(watch closely Bills--it starts in the interior--Kyle + Dareus plus at least one more stud=MUCH better team)
  20. I think the reasonable # for size of the Buffalo market is about 3.5 million. You can't really include Toronto. But I would say east part of Hamilton to half of Syracuse(Giants have the other half)is the 'Bills Market'. That would still make it in the lower half of the league--but not right near the bottom. I'd say it about 80/20 that the Bills stay.
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