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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. for 2012 Freddy for 2013---toughdecision 2014 and beyond CJ
  2. he doesnt have a strong arm---but he is accurate .his arm is stronger than fitzys(i know not saying much). intriguing idea at rd 3-6 ---i think he could be a good nfl QB.
  3. I dont think the fact that the Broncs play in a bad division was lost on Peyton. He can see some playoff action at 9-7 or 10-6...heck even 8-8.
  4. I'm not sure 'faded' is a good description for what the Bills did last year.
  5. ..I'd have no problem with him out there as a WR occasionally--we know what this guy can do with the ball with ANY amount of space.-But much of that can be accomplished from the RB position with a variety of short or safety valve type routes.Whatever gets the guy the ball. Yep SJ--get the guy on the field and the ball into his hands--focus on getting him some space.Best players ON the field. -Short routes w YAC.
  6. 4 yrs ago woulda been a good move
  7. Yep.. Once things start going..-Fingers crossed.
  8. don't over estimate the intelligence of some nfl GMs.
  9. RD 1) BPA D line,LB or O line 2) BPA D line ,LB or O line or absolute steal at CB 3) BPA D line,LB or O line or CB 4) BPA 4) BPA
  10. Hagan is a good receiver.Glad we signed him.
  11. 100% agree. People here are suffering from amnesia about our horrid d(even when Kyle was playing) now that we've signed Mario. Our D front 7 still needs serious work even with the huge Mario signing.Doesn't look like there is great value at LB at #10--but we should do our best to figure out a way to get LB talent...and/or get another yes another nasty D lineman in there. Kyle and mario are coming off season ending injuries and you can never have enough strong D linemen. We need a LT as well. Build it from the inside out.Look at all the consistently good teams in this league.---Of course CB is a need on this team--but not at the expense of a front 7 guy.
  12. SJR...Too bad the draft situation doesnt quite line up perfectly with our huge needs at LB. I know we cant reach at 10. i wouldnt be averse to another D lineman or LT at 10.Can never have enough D line talent. And while our O line is ok---they are far from a strong unit. many on here are pushing for a CB. I know we have a need there.But I think we have all seen the folly of building from the outside in.
  13. even before Kyle was out--when we were actually holding our own on the D line without people blowing through--our D was still ghastly. And that was MAINLY due to our LBs. -I guess we just see things differently.With the 4-3 coming we cut down on some of the problem--but as far as I am concerned-until one of the young guys shows something--and I saw little to nothing from them last year(Sheppard is a decent run stuffer -but is a joke out in open space)--we have only Barnett as a legit NFL starter at the moment.That leaves 2 spots to fill. I didn't say or suggest that we draft LBs with each of the first 3 picks.
  14. we need 2 solid LBs still. Our corners are ok --not great of course.Our LBs are awful;a gaping huge bloody problem.We need to prioritize. We had one of the worst front 7s in football last year.yes a healthy Kyle plus Mario changes that---but that solves half the problem. LB w 1st round pick.OL or LB 2nd and 3rd.-Unless of course we see a steal at CB in 2 or 3.
  15. you dont harass or in any other way cause stress to a 93 yr old man....unless you want to be on the express train to hell.
  16. time to focus on the draft.LB, LB, OT.We hit on at least 2 of those then we may be a playoff team.
  17. we need a QB to get the ball to that fieldstretcher.otherwise we are wasting him because the DBs are gonna pinch in/play up like they did last year.
  18. OLB,OLB and LT. WR not as big a priority. We need to put more work into the engine before getting the fancy chrome and wheels. Great start though.We now have 4 out of 7 spots filled on the D front. LB,LB and LT...unless we feel there is a steal at QB somewhere. -ps--talking BOTH FA and draft here.
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