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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I know we have a class action lawsuit here. 3 million Bills fans who actually kept supporting this joke of a franchise through ineptitude seen rarely in the history of sports.I think the insanity part has been proven.Question is...How much money do we get?
  2. Evolution --as a theory to prove that their is no creator has gotten nowhere.So evolution theory may be striving toward 100% accuracy(whatever the hell that means) ..But it has been spinning its wheels forever.No progress has been made with that slice of evolutionary theory. Normally real science gets you somewhere. Evolution as defined by the maturing and adaption of species has had bits and pieces that have scientifically progressed. I don't think that many people believe that mankind has evolved in the last several thousand years.We have built up a bigger knowledge base...but thats about it. Many in the catholic church incl the last few popes have stated that they believe in the evolution of mankind.Perhaps there was an adolescence as seen in prehistoric man.--But just go to the endzone sections at Bills games or at the dogpound...and you seriously have to wonder about the timeline on that. Apes to man?? no evidence. and i guess some apes just never evolved.and that none of them stopped at the inbetween phase. adam and Eve CAN be seen as the first fully evolved humans.the first to be fully responsible.the first to be responsible for their actions fully.
  3. please get me a name and address as i would rather not use paypal.can only contribute a small amt.
  4. the curing of throwing inaccuracy?? now ive heard it all. fitz has lots of good qualities---much of his inaccuracy stems from the fact that he doesnt have a good arm---and that he has to throw so hard most the time just to get the ball there.I admire that he puts everything he has into that 20-30 yd pass that a lot of 12 yr olds can make(not with an nfl rush coming at them of course).he is not a wimp--and he gets good zip on the over the middle passes and is reasonably accurate on them--and hits them in stride usually. The problem comes in when he throws those out passes to the sidelines or the longer routes. When the wind is in the right direction, the moon is in the 7th house,and the rest of the stars align...Fitz can throw 50-55 yd spiral and hit the receiver downfield.-But too often Giants game stuff happens and the receiver who is open 50 yards down the field is waiting for a wounded duck--allowing the DB to camp under it.--The out patterns---those just go in the general direction of the receiver and I hope they dont throw too many of those. Hopefully this QB coach will show Fitzy how to know his limitations a bit better...and hopefully Chan will get some of that message too.More running game will prevent the DBs,LBs from pinching in as much.Chan did NOT adjust to that last year once they had Fitz figured out.
  5. Big IF. Huge IF. But wouldn't it be great?--even at 70% of his old self?
  6. Kelsay is a good back-up. The fact that he has been a starter reflects nothing negative about Kelsay.Its not ripping on kelsay as much as its ripping on an organization poor enough to have this guy as a starter on D.--It reflects on the caliber of this franchise.This franchise has stunk in general. Giving an honest opinion about a player doesn't mean you are 'ripping' him. True he was played out of position.-That just further points out how bad this franchise is. But that doesn't mean that kelsay was ever a good starting DE.
  7. thats like wolfgang puck getting fired from taco bell
  8. Its a shame Sparano got fired.He did an excellent job last year with the Dolphins.
  9. not good enough. pretty good list...but broadway Joe was a great talent....and Todd Collins was well below average. could have had Buffalo's entire early 2000s roster on there
  10. amazing what mankind does to each other. frightening actually. But once you fire one shot--the process starts. If your family is killed by any side whether collateral damage or not---you will develope an intense/murderous hatred for the side that did it to you.And on and on it goes.Before you know it 50,000,000 people are slaughtered.
  11. at least the NFL actually can pay its pensions out of real money--unlike govt.
  12. More than the broken ribs...I think the main problems were that teams figured out that Fitzy cant beat them with the long throw and they started pinching in.And on top of that Chan didn't adjust properly by ,for example,using the running game more.
  13. with the bills easy schedule the over makes sense. they look like 8-8 or 9-7 this year.
  14. I think all the people who grew up in Lackawanna and the southtowns in the 1970s and before should sue the US Govt and NYS Govt and Erie County for allowing bethlehem steel to pollute the area--causing all the future respiratory problems and cancer/emphysema etc. there used to be an inch or more of grime every day on peoples cars down there that they'd have to wash off.people were breathing that stuff. I'd say that lawsuit is worth 1 trillion dollars.--Lets see..400,000 people affected x 588,000--- about a quarter trillion...plus penalties
  15. those are meaningless stats advantage-wise. 100 bil to 85 bil, and 2.36 mil to 2.2 mil? almost a statistical tie--and if you include southern ont. suburbs of buffalo its is a tie. much larger areas than pittsburgh--like oakland-have more probs with spending and ticket sales than do Pitt or Buff/Roch. And given the fact that the Bills are toward the top of league in sales in spite of the small pop and the lousy franchise.... The real difference in franchise is Rooney vs Ralph.Ralph is a good businessman and clueless about football--and refuses to hire top talent.perhaps ralph's advanced age is disallowing him from meddling now.....
  16. I haven't really seen any evidence that Wanny is some great coach.I don't think many teams will be clamoring for him(well- you never know--teams like the Bills ,Bengals seem to seek out that average talent at the coaching position)
  17. I suggest stricter EPA controls ,some tariffs and fees on random things, and more property taxes on rich people.
  18. I lived in the Oakland hills in the mid 80s--of course I was young and dumb and penniless back then.Now I'm old and dumb and penniless. -But the views are even more spectacular after the 91 fire. Good luck with the move.
  19. stab someone?? what is this The Girl Scouts??--Stab someone in whorehouse w a dirty needle.
  20. maybe Phil Hansen and Jeff Wright and Mark kelso werent the worlds greatest talents? Our 87-88-89 D our 98-99 D and 64-65 D were our best. Huge mistake letting Fred go.Cost us the superbowl. ..not a big fan of Chan(as a head coach) or Wanny. Hope they prove me wrong this year.
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