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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. so true. even temporary involvement with them leads to regret and some permanent issues--as some of us may know.. prayers for the Reid family.
  2. I agree with most of your comment.I agree that a smart 8th grader could have done a better job with drafting/free agents than the Bills did for over a decade pre-Nix. But I really am unimpressed with Chans coaching ability so far. --When everything is perfect for him---his offense can look genius. As soon as someone(then everyone) figured out that Fitzy cant throw long and the defenses pinched in---Chan did nothing to adapt.And he left Fitzy back there as a sitting duck.And we started getting blown out by very average teams.
  3. kelsay disappears for quarter after quarter-huge gobs of time----usually wide and way behind the QB where the OT has pushed him. then there is a broken play and kelsay makes a sack or tackle..-Then some dufus declares "Gee who are those idiots that said kelsay couldn't play?.Lookin pretty foolish now!" You aren't that dufus obviously. But they are out there.
  4. And the overpassing problem was magnified when 1.the thin Bills got even thinner the last half of the year 2.the opposing Ds starting pinching in/cheating on coverage when they realized that 80% of fitz's deep balls are ducks. I think Chan may be a weakness on this team. Not saying that the Bills shoulda won a lot of games the 2nd half of last season-But they shouldn't have been blown out week after week by mediocre teams.This I blame on Chan's inability to adapt.Cripe run the ball--eat some clock--esp when your D is injury depleted and your O line is depleted.
  5. fitz could win a superbowl as a starting qb if his supporting cast is very strong. upper echelon QB? no way in h#ll.
  6. many people from Buffalo are waaaay oversensitive about every negative thing said about the city. Just roll with the punches.The Buffalo area has beautiful areas and dumpy areas.No reason to be so insecure about it. And re: Reeds ability---He was an average to good possession receiver. He didn't stink.
  7. one of the most amazing things ive ever seen
  8. hes the anti- lil donte re: ball skills
  9. once a lousy football player always a lousy football player. i am jealous of his loot though.
  10. I'm 54 but my mother says I only look 53 and a half.
  11. Isaiah Robertson,Phil Villapiano,Smerlas,Haslett
  13. I think most of the people on this board can claim better credentials on how to run a team than the bills brass has had given the bills stellar record. I am not putting down Wanny or esp NIX. Nix did an amazing job this offseason.they got what they could. Its just that our LB core STUNK last year. And yes--if you noticed the post above--I did say that barnett was a legit starting LB. Its just that he was the only one on the team.thats not good. AND i complimented wanny for having the wisdom to change to a 4-3---emphasizing our D line strength and de-emphasizing our 'shaky' LB core. AND--I left open hope that Merriman will recover somewhat--and that we may get lucky with some of our mid round picks. I mentioned nothing about merriman being better in a 4-3. So cool your jets and go easy on the silly old bromide of.."oh so you are a bigger expert than the professionals crap" This is a discussion board about a kids game.
  14. oops. My apologies. Oops----Ive been humbled. I need to get more sleep.
  15. 1 legit starter(and not a great one) on a 3-4 adds up to getting blown out by a lot of bad teams last yr. at least we are going to a 4-3--minimize the damage.
  16. oh so you dismiss what he is saying with a wave of the hand...... 'typical racist....'--maybe he was just calling it like he saw it Its always a matter of degree...and since none of us were there pure speculation. there is a line where one can cross from just being an a-hole to being threatening or dangerous or creating a dangerous situation.Esp in a crowd and where alcohol is involved.
  17. I hope that the surgery brought back Merriman to at least 70% of what he was. Because our LB corps stinks. Lets not fool ourselves. They are awful----unless of course merriman is back or one of the rookies surprises.
  18. wow--if this is about the old rockpile--and stories in general--i could go on and on--and on from roy jefferson leaping the fence and charging into the stands after some heckler----to walking down to the fence area(u could just stroll down there in the old days))---and staring at vince lombardi--afraid to call out to him even though he was 15 feet away(there w his young redskins--who woulda been a championship team under him if he had lived---they were really getting good)-----to describing the neighbors we had at our two sets of season tickets(a big fat guy who played the bartender in a local series of beer commercials and his skinny chain smoking wife). anyone remember a biz down on jefferson called ST LOUIS TRIPE?
  19. yeah whitey cop out to get him. 400 years of opression--carrying the white mans burden..
  20. I was there--50 yard line seats visitors side:)
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