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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. HEHE..-I think that most people are used to dumb ex-JOCKSPEAK from these goofballs. Todd Christensen got fired from the network for having too large a vocabulary.
  2. what was once 'weird' is now high functioning aspbergers
  3. I know.It does seem weird. But if you understand the physiology of concussions...and have worked with people who have had concussions--then it really isn't that weird. Its a very standard pattern. There is healing...but a very fragile one--like an eggshell -and the person feels good and can perform activities well.But the mistake so often made is that the person returns to activity while the healed area surrounding the brain is not yet strong. They may go back to that construction job, go play a game of touch football..or even go wrestle in a high school match. The healing is disrupted and problems can develope at the blood brain barrier(and this can take a few days after the activity to manifest).Then the concussion symptoms become worse than ever--even after a seemingly successful return to activity.
  4. In defense of Jeremy--in spite of his unfortunate 'craze of "brain damage" wording. He does mention in his post that the prob with these former players is much more nuanced.And he mentions possible sociological factors. while it is highly likely that long term head trauma will have affects on the brain---it is important to let all the scientific data be gathered properly. We don't know the extent of the direct correlation betw suicidal thoughts and long term head trauma. Many more people need to be studied. Double blind scientific studies need to be run.--And this is for the benefit of those suffering from depression,suicidal thoughts,or the combination of these w a history of trauma. Jump to premature conclusions---and you do no good to many people you are trying to help. In spite of the amzing advances in medicine these days-there are some fraudulent things like the anti-cholesterol industry etc--where conclusions were drawn before there was scientific proof
  5. He may think hes gonna play til 40. A lot of people delude themselves that they can still play at that age. The only one I ever saw with the physical skills still there at that age was Favre. Delusion.---AND----even if somehow the odds are defied---Belicek gets a QB who will soon be better than Brady anyway--very soon. And with his coaching /drafting brilliance would overcome the loss of Gronk.
  6. The bigger problem regarding Spiller was not getting him enough playing time...And not getting him into open space for such a long time. There are plenty of problems I and many others have with Gailey. Not at all convinced he is a good head coach. Not even convinced he is anything better than a decent O coordinator.
  7. The Pats most certainly would. Belicek would dump the 35 yr old Brady in a New York second.Would buy him another 10-15 yrs of SB contention.
  8. I don't really buy the 'not right for the scheme' stuff. Either a guy can play or he can't. I think he gave the team a full effort--and they want to give him a better chance to catch on with someone else.Hence the 'scheme' excuse vs 'we dont think the guy is good enough for us'. They either think he isn't good enough anymore or there is something hidden that will be made public soon.
  9. Luck has proven a lot.Nothing is sure in this life. But Luck looks as good as Peyton,more athletic than Brady,way ahead Brees at the same stage. I would give away more than our top 3 for him. ravens would do it in a heartbeat.so would the cowboys and the oilers.
  10. we were very fortunate he fell into 2nd round.That saved the franchise half a yr right there. when we address QB and LB this team will be ferocious.
  11. McKelvins woes werent pass rush related last year(and the year before). His problem was that he would be right there with the WR(due to his freakish speed)--the ball would be a toss up betw McK and the WR....and the WR came up with it time after time after time after time.--McK will be close to the WR most of the time---so with a better passrush he will still be right w the WR. Stopping the WR from catching the ball is usually next on the agenda.McK constantly fails at that.
  12. true. id also include gogolak. but christie and lindell are money.... i liked that guy john leypoldt as well...i thought he was solid.
  13. I think every single one of those teams takes the deal w/poss exc of Panthers,Falcons(altho if i were them id take it) and Lions. With NE and NO its a matter of QB age--they exchange 15 yrs for 2-4 yrs tops.
  14. The parents need to focus on the kid losing 100 LBs. At this rate he will be lucky to live to 35.
  15. YES. but it would hurt. Badly. The Williams brothers,dareus,Byrd,Stevie would be the most painful to give up. PS--They would be foolish to take FITZ. PSS---If I were Indy I would take Mario,Dareus,Byrd.
  16. again...who is gonna get him the ball? its gonna have to be mainly yds after the catch
  17. you cant really count the last one...smoke and mirrors
  18. until we get someone better...-i'd rather have him in there running--and making a few(very few) passes than have a complete goober in there who has no chance of winning a game.
  19. with the bills there are so many awful seasons to sift thru. while 70,71,69,84,85 were bad....there was a certain special hopelessness about the jauron squads that we need to bear in mind. yeah they would win the 6 or 7.....but we knew they had absolutely no chance against a real good team and that there was absolutely no future with the players we had.
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