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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I saw him interviewed.The guy really sounds like a simpleton--and a real sweet guy.Which pisses me off even worse. The guy coulda made a ton of money.And NFL bullied this poor little guy into giving away his rights. -I think the guy should get an attorney and go back after them. A real injustice has been done to this poor guy.
  2. the coach could get his daughter to carry the clip board around--seems this would open up a roster spot
  3. yes..a delusional color code. our Lbs should be red enough to blind people without protective eye gear.
  4. i dont think thats a good excuse. buddy is supposed to be the talent evaluator--not a lackey yes man who cant see what most of us mere fans saw. that said he made some good picks over the last 2 yrs. some.
  5. I have to respectfully and completely disagree with your reasoning. people were smoking at a very high rate before the surgeon generals warnings came out. And people --in a high % of families--were directly witnessing smokers who got cancer,emphysema and various other cancers. It was a matter of common sense that people should have known the risk--no matter what bs the tobacco companies were putting out. that horrible smokers hack,the early deaths...all that was quite apparent before the surgeon general's warnings. Common sense existed before 1965. Blaming tobacco companies for not telling them that sucking hot brown smoke into their lungs all day was gonna hurt...believing these co.s when they said that this wasnt dangerous--is willful ignorance.people knew damn well that this was extremely dangerous. They just enjoyed their cigarrettes--as people should.If u r gonna kill yourself a decade earlier than a non-smoker then more power to you.You should get plenty of pleasure out of the act of smoking if you do it. Why not?--But dont take a vice..one that you never really wanted to quit---and blame the cigarrette manufacturer for your cancer.Thats willful ignorance at best.
  6. This kinda reminds me of the smoking lawsuits. people sucked tons of hot smoke into their lungs for decades and they didnt think...common sense didnt tell them that they were likely heading for an early death??--they see generations of people dying and weezing a coughing up a lung every morning--and they then whine and sue because the tobacco companies didnt let them know it was bad for them?/ One spends years and years(esp at a position like LB--even more than at lineman IMO) with their heads colliding/being pounded w rapid speed and force.--Common sense doesnt tell that person that they will pay the price for that in later life? -"Ohhh they didnt tell me!!" Should NFL players get medical care for these conditions?? of course. Should they be able to sue for millions?? no.
  7. Im not sure I have seen anyone on a football field that was faster than deion. bo mighta been as fast once he got going. darrell green could fly. one of the fastest white football players i have ever seen is Mike Mosley of the Buffalo Bills-whose career was toast at age 26 because of a severe knee injury. bob Hayes of course was the fastest football player ever if measured by a 100 yd or meter time. problem is there wasnt enough field for a guy like that. some incredibly fast buffalo bills....OJ,Mosley,Deubenion, JD Hill,Leodis McKelvin.remember oj was part of a world record 4x100 relay team at usc.
  8. Bob hayes was timed at 8.8 for a relay split in the 4 X100yd.they say that was the fastest a man had ever run...but im sure that is pre-roid times.Bolt has run faster and that canadian /jamaican--spacing his name who got popped for roids
  9. I think the implication is beyond absurd. there would have to be some weird murderous hatred for a head coach to give up the chance of being a SB winner . ridiculous. ps --loved garner as a RB...and liked that raider team.
  10. this is basically the same crew that picked Chan...so given the Bills wonderful history of picking HCs --and given the fact that there is no new blood in the front office(yes its been rearranged which COULD be good)---I dont see what is so outrageous about saying that the Bills pulled a C+ or whatever the he*l the guy gave him.
  11. thats more like it;) Joe Ferguson weighed 180. Joe Montana betw 180-190. Brees may be 200.
  12. 206 is solid for a qb--esp at 5 11(i think hes more 5 9 or 10ish)
  13. i agree...very aware of everything out there. very well spoken/bright.--that last pass was dead center in the EZ. no panic.
  14. alex smith is btter than a lot of people on here think---of course harbaughsaw the potential in kaepernik---but alex got them within a hair of the SB last yr. he is pretty decent. he is not the long term answer--so u dont spend a top pick on him----
  15. he WAS genuinely spacing out...but i found it kinda entertaining
  16. team vs team its probbly equal criminalwise
  17. i really dont think Knox was schottenheimerish in the post season.The Bills--altho a v good team 80-82--faced a team w superior talent in SD. And in seattle and LA he never had the most talented team. Mora coached NO in the era of the superteams--the niners and cowboys .And of course he never had anything close to a Joe Montana at QB. Bobby Hebert was fitz with a better arm.
  18. I just dont remember ..up until the 90s really....the prevalence of the 'leading with the helmet' tackles. this purposeful form of tackling -imho-is what has caused the violence level to go up so precipitously.In fact it is the main violence .-Of course in the old days head to head collisions would occur--but it seemed more by accident. More good tough tackles were made leading with the shoulder and wrapping the guy up. We still have to be careful with the conclusions drawn from the brain tests. the american public seems to like neat packaged explanations and solutions to complex problems without the rigor of proper,non-pharmaceutical co. influenced studies. Would 'safer' helmets really help the situation?--otr would they encourage more recklessness,more spearing because of the false sense of security? Perhaps less of a helmet would discourage spearing. i dont see any of the old leatherheads-in the old clips-tackling head first.They werent That stupid.
  19. Knox may have been the Bills greatest coach. If he wasnt he was tied w Lou. Can you imagine the Bills bringing in a guy with Knox's pedigree now?? I wish and hope for the best w Marrone...-but its a guessing game.
  20. sounds about right...w fitz a POSSIBLE hangeronner
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