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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. the Bills last SB appearance--now THAT season was smoke and mirrors
  2. theisman and plunkett were stars. simms was very close to being one. so disagree there--but it only proves your point more.
  3. which shows he has class....but i would guess he is not that upset that the niners lost.
  4. ..14 yr old girl--u may have a point... ever see one of unitas' throws??
  5. id have no prob taking a chance on kellen moore. he could win some big games w the right cast. smart,accurate.a proven winner. flacco does have surprisingly quick feet in the pocket and a good sense of the rush.
  6. well--we were really only competitive in one SB...And probbly like you this yr -we feel we shoulda won that first SB. The fade pass is a very low % throw--u r right--BAD CALL. I am surprised that Kaep didnt run it in.Seems that Balt was helpless against him running.
  7. I was really shocked that they didnt run Kaepernick more in the 4th quarter---esp toward the end-when the fat Balt D linemen were completely winded. Seemed like he could do whatever he wanted to out there. I am surprised that the Niners lost this one and surprised w some of the offensive play calls in the 4th. Kaepernick has out of this world skill. Completely agree with that. And kaep has skill in every aspect of QBing.I dont see any weaknesses there exc inexperience.
  8. I agree just a ridiculous question. people are not like that at all--deep down;) Now the character of a man is not whether he wants the team to do well...but would he do anything he could to help them win. From what I have seen of Alex Smith he would be the type to do anything he could to help the team.----But human nature being what it is--I dont doubt that there is at least a small part of him that at least didnt give a flying f whether the niners won or not.
  9. the thought of our LBs chasing Kaeprnik makes me cringe
  10. and if anyone ever paid their dues its alex smith. he went thru several yrs of torture,humiliation and ridicule. smith has a good solid arm--has a good spiral and good accuracy...not great for a 60 yarder--but the ball gets there solidly.
  11. Well....PEDs ruined the records part of baseball---the stats/records r kinda meaningless now. But there is the question about PED use in the old days before there was any testing at all. Weve read about these old time ballplayers getting these..cough..'vitamin b12 shots'--who knows what was in those shots. If they werent physically dangerous--and everyone could use them then I wouldnt have a problem with it. But its not fair to force everyone to use them to compete on an equal basis if these drugs are harmful. So far baseball and football have survived the HGH/steroid era.-- Im not so sure football is gonna survive the brain damage lawsuit era. that could end the league.
  12. i disagree bout Bettis. remember he was a power AND speed guy for a few yrs before he became just a great power guy. i would agree. i really like quality as much as quantity though. as much as i love Reed--and think he was an excellent receiver--I think he is very borderline HoFwise because he was more of a steady eddy football player.Not spectacular. I actually agree w most of the committees decisions. I really thought that Thurman barely missing the first yr and in the second yr was dead on. 1st ballot is for dominating players. Bruce ,OJ.-
  13. While I agree that Carter deserves to be in there...--I wouldnt let stats overwhelm you. I dont think any of those guys was better than alworth or lynn swann--
  14. I agree alpha...Craig did everything he could do when he got the touches.They just spread the ball so much. I think Craig was as good as Thurman.
  15. people(some) are forgetting how much Moss dominated early on. his slacking off in his oakland days was inexcusable. But just based on his one NE year in addition to the Minny years dominance you gotta put him top 10.
  16. Obviously the Bills have done a horrible job of drafting throughout much of their history esp from 2000 on.-Thats how you build a joke of a team--w the great assistance of ralph and his horrible choices of coaches and GMs. The only way to really judge these drafts is team vs team. It is easy to spin a mediocre draft...make excuses for it by cherry picking certain picks. I would like to see a draft vs draft list(im too lazy to look it up myself) of a consistently good franchise vs the Bills over the past 12 years.Thats where the real differences would show up. 2 or more bad drafts in a row is really disastrous for a team because then they r forced to back and fill when a good player goes into free agency or a good player gets old.Playing catch up like that forces teams to reach to fill gaps vs smartly filling the holes left by FAs and players getting past their primes or injured.--I gotta give Nix SOME credit last yr for valiantly trying to catch up . His picks one and two were excellent. Total whiff on LBs and at QB.....-But because of our past bad drafts we were forced to go DB again at #1 because of the prior whiffs on McKelvin and because they didnt replace their best CB McGee when he was on the way down.
  17. I think the niners would be silly to give up Smith. he is much better than most people here think. he probbly shoulda won the SB for SF last yr-exc for that excruciating nfc championship loss . Those who compare him to Fitz have a point only until they get to the part about the arm.His arm is stronger---and he is A VERY ACCURATE passer. He is at least in the middle of the pack of NFL starters.Where Fitz is really toward the bottom. smith is a quality starter and/or extremely valuable back-up insurance to any team that doesnt wanna see their season go to hell because their starter gets hurt. Smith stays in SF unless some bad franchise is willing to get fleeced in a trade.........naaa on second thought Smith is still too valuable for that.QBs are too valuable.
  18. no one better than LT...but Reggie(like a man playing against children) was just as good
  19. but other than the coach,the QB,and the LBs and massively overpaying an above average DE---he did do a few good things
  20. yes very true. in my personal opinion the courts were full of sh%^$t
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