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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I agree.The guy never drops a pass. We have a great #2 and a great #3 receiver now. And the same guys are decent #1s and #2s. Lets not continue to be 'The Woeful Buffalo Bills' by continuing to create holes that suck or drafts dry.
  2. I remember watson being a decent DB...and at the same time wondering (like all of us) wtf he was doing back there catching punts. can anyone refresh my memory on what the rationale was?? Was it about the previous guy fumbling all the time???...just cant recall. --ahhh----so much Bills history----and so much of it made so little sense:)
  3. we certainly have........its much easier to name the good ones...Saban,Knox.......Levy.....................................uhmmmmmmmmm
  4. I think letting levitre go and using the first for a guard would be truly bizarre.-and thats why you cant rule out Buffalo doing it;)
  5. wow gotta disagree on this one sjb....Gailey --altho a very good play designer--was a horrendous head coach.Horrendous.-And jauron only won games by dragging other teams down into ugly,awful football games(altho i guess that IS a technique for winning that has to count)--And altho jauron did manage to scratch out 7 win seasons --there was a hopelessness about his teams that was unique. I though Kay stephenson was an OK coach. What leftover talent he had from knox was getting old.His teams played hard.
  6. I had a similar experience in Denmark summer of 85.---aaaaah to be young again...
  7. Lucious sanford was a good LB..undersized and made up for lots of it with hustle and speed.He was never rotten. yeah gotta give kraukau a pass--because altho he was limited in talent he was tough and always played hard. Cheyunski was a good LB.Solid pro. Sheesh I dont even remember Doug Allen
  8. Great post and discussion Alpha.--a few things...love him or hate him--Belichek is one of the all-time great coaches up there w lombardi,Walsh. I think he was the one who beat the Bills--not Tuna. Tuna proved to be an average coach without Belichek. RE: the med marijuana Im all for it if done for the right reasons--and i think u get it . Some of the local dispensaries in northern CA are excuses for people to spend the day stoned and useless.Some are well run. I treat some ex-Raiders up here(i wont go into what i do)--and can vouch for their condition.The guys I have treated are 50-60ish and all but one are big men with very little cartilage left in any of their joints.The only one w a really foggy head is the small guy(hence my theory bout high speed collisions vs the sumowrestling done on the line)--and of course I'm not saying the big guys don't get messed up--I'm just speculating that they get less concussions. one small point though alpha---marijuana smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke......BUT--of course you take in so much less pot smoke vs cig smoke that this fact is misconstrued.
  9. the reason it wasnt called was because crabtree ran right into him...setting himself up for the pushoff. the refs saw this and didnt bite.He plowed right into the DB. Good non call. -and after seeing that replay the non-call was even better looking.
  10. cripe in 011 he was neutralizing the line of scrimmage--thats what i immediately noticed about the bills early that year.the year before they were getting blown off the line. he was 20 friggin yrs old. last yr was awful----but the KID is gonna do fine if he puts the effort out there again. i like the audi--i like the weight.....good car fair price- that thing wasnt hard to sell im sure. The Miatas have a strong cult following..We have a good friend in the finger lakes whose( almost) entire business is buying, refurbishing, selling Miatas.He does extremely well.
  11. ronnie harmon,eugene marve,,and now curtis brown. this is the silly thread.
  12. All those things would count..PLUS the ability to not have to work in the offseason.And HGH and ROIDS. Could you imagine Cookie on PEDs??? They might've needed an ambulance on the new side of WAR Memorial.
  13. EUGENE MARVE??????????????????? the guy was 3x as good as any LB we presently have on the roster Ruud of course is a candidate,....but remember we also picked his teammate bob nelson that yr---who went on to the niniers and raiders and had a good career --and started both Plunkett SB wins
  14. the 99 bills werent in baltis league d wise-exc at DT.Bruce was already way past it altho still a force. And I just think Flutie coulda done it cuz he was better than the balt QB im spacing his name.RJ was a disaster waiting to happen. yes a whole new topic......just that the 64 bills--while undersized--werent THAT undersized. and they had all-time greats like shaw and sestak and mcdole on the line--vs the bigger/stronger but LESS talented 012 bills. Who knows though??? you may be right--but i dont think the 012 team knew a thing a bout winning against any team.
  15. yeah i know--where do you start??hehe
  16. gonna disagree on chris watson at DB--i thought he was decent. I would vote for him at PR/KR. and the person who mentioned reuben gant as a runnerup---thats loco he was a good TE
  17. I dont think the 99 team was gonna win any SB with RJ at QB.
  18. i agree differences in training etc have to be considered...but i think the 64 team with Billy Shaw,george saimes,McDole,sestak,Dunaway,Gilchrist Deuby etc would beat the 012 team,even though half of these people had to have second jobs in the offseason working construction etc--and didnt start getting into shape until training camp.
  19. I think 88 may have been built best to win the SB--but the no huddle wasnt really in effect yet. 87 post strike was just nasty on D. So the best teams in order 64,90,88,65,81,87,91
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