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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. this year not a good move.we shoulda tanked 2011
  2. baby boomers scare me--what an f'd generation
  3. i agree on this--but remember the Bills are one stupid organization.and i truly think most people on here chatting coulda done a better job drafting than the Bills mgmt the past 12 yrs
  4. according to some on this thread corny was agreat LB....well he was great LB his rookie year..phenomenal.Then he became a very good LB and stayed that way his whole career.With his talent he shoulda been a hall of famer.
  5. I agree SJB.--LB hasnt been a strong position for the Bills historically. bennett shoulda been easily the best ever in our org and an easy HoFer--but he was lazy after his rookie year. Yep--stratton is in the mix.
  6. any 36 yr old CB is nuts to turn down any money to play in the NFL...i bet its a bit more complex than just that --and that he would barely make above what he was guaranteed. I doubt they gave him a real offer. 36 is just ancient.
  7. If the guy is a slightly above average NFL LB then the Bills made a great move.
  8. I didnt listen to the tape..But did Buddy mention anything related to scouting reports and a shoebox when talking to the TB GM?
  9. He should thank God every day for the buffalo Bills!!
  10. Sad that such a great guy is gone...But he not only had a weak,inaccurate arm--but I'll state kindly that the mental part of his game wasn't up to snuff. It still boggles my mind how a guy like that ended up with something of an NFL career and multi-millions of dollars.Its a bizarro world. I dont know how he started in college or even a good high school. All that said i can't remember rooting so hard for a guy to succeed.And i hope he does well wherever he goes.
  11. welll...if only 7.5 is guaranteed-- I doubt the experts on here know the details....-But this is the Buffalo Bills mgmt. I dont trust them as far as i can throw them.--I do suppose we didnt have much choice in the matter.I dont think we can blow another high pick on a DB when we have zero professional LBs on the team and no starting and one back-up QB.
  12. remember those back to back 600 yd against defensive gems they pulled last year??....-but dont worry we resigned a horrible db for 5 mil/yr and dumped a cheaply priced wr who never drops a ball and manages to get open.-and we have no QB and no LBs
  13. 5 mil for a KR/PR???-- good Lord....Your Buffalo Bills in action
  14. i think buttheads could run a team better than the Bills mgmt could. No contest.
  15. no one criticized kelsay for taking the money--they criticized the stupid bills mgmt. And why this HATE ON phrase when people simply pointed out that he wasnt very good? You can criticize a players play without HATING ON him. he was a very likeable guy who didnt show lack of effort just lack of results.
  16. dumb move by the bills----nelson is a slow,kinda skinny guy who just happens to get open and never drops the ball. ---belitnikoff was a slow,short guy who just happened to get open and never dropped the ball
  17. Kelsay mentioned he is going in a different direction.......----towards the QB??? -sorry if thats a repeat--i didnt read the whole thread. Kudos to kelsay for being a nice guy and for trying.
  18. hes been in the league 7 yrs. they've been saying over and over "turn around Leodis". he never turns around. And in addition to not turning around to see where the ball is(for cripes sake is he is fast enough to still be on the play) he loses every single fight for the ball. When its between leodis and anyone to fight for a ball--Leodis loses. You cant teach him after all these yrs. He is a fine --even great kick and punt returner when he isnt in a situation that requires thought.lets keep him doing that---exc when we just need the punt or kick caught w/ no turnover to seal a game.
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