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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. well---a lot of cities with very expensive avg homes are gonna be going bankrupt very soon as well...they are lining them up in California right now
  2. tremendous job.the best ive seen.---man Fergy had pinpoint accuracy.
  3. the good news is that its hard for the Bills franchise to sink any lower than it has the past 13 years.
  4. so cantankerous people cant be on the wall?
  5. SJB--can you imagine what Kenny Stabler was like BEFORE he 'matured'??? Holy S..I have been in northern CA a long time--and I knew people who knew people...now that was one good ole drinking partyin fellow.
  6. Oh come on with Jon stewart...he is the biggest hipster magnet.In the end he kisses the arse of the PC crowd after slightly pushing the limits. Good point about the most popular song...sorta--not sure if that's a valid comparison.
  7. I'm amazed at the certainty with which we write of WRs from the Bills when they had a guy throwing the ball who could barely launch it 30 yards with any accuracy or beyond a wind-aided 50 yds . it wasn't a stupid comment and he wasn't disrespecting reed. reed woulda been open a lot and fitz would be hurling the ball in all sorts of crazy directions. reed woulda been throwing as many tantrums as TO.
  8. Its so hip to like Letterman(which I do) and to make fun of/deride Leno.--Truth is Leno is the only one with the guts to be NON-PC in his humor esp regarding Obama and his crew. He IS the most popular of the late night comedians.But then again the people who like him just aren't hip enough.
  9. fell into his lap?? I wish a few passes woulda fallen into lil dontes lap for the years and years before
  10. I won $1800 on a $1 bet on a slot machine in an indian casino. I didn't even know I won at first--I kept pushing the button and it wouldn't play. I hadn't been to a casino in years. unfortunately that spurred me to try several more times----and I proceeded to lose most of the $1800 over the following year. Gambling=dumb.
  11. Byrd is the better player. DE is the more important position....uhmmmmmmmm close call.
  12. an absolutely gorgeous beach in northern CA is Bolinas.You go just north of Stinson beach then left thru the woods and wind your way thru the old hippy town of Bolinas.the actual beach has a perfect setting and is never supercrowded. Only prob for me is the hour 20 min drive for me from the central valley . In western new York my fave beaches are in Rochester--up near charlotte and Irondequoit.However the beach at Charlotte can stink up a storm when the algae is heavy. From what ive heard from many foreign travelers...the Phillipines has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
  13. from the shoulders down im about 30..6 1 204 and no body fat. from the neck up a wreck--balding,couple of cervical spine surgeries. at 55 the main difference I notice from 30 is the energy level. if I don't work out I have no energy.
  14. trent even checked down his own deep passes. very true.he wasn't a wimp. he was a good athlete.he never hung his head. It was so disappointing that he didn't have the passing talent or football brilliance.We would have loved to have rooted for him--warts and all. he coulda been our Joe Kapp.
  15. being in the vicinity of AH was very very dangerous.I think we can all agree to that. That's a lot of mayhem by age 23.
  16. tea party isn't a political party.--and some people with intelligence who want to get things done do actually still belong to political parties.me--im independent. absolutely----give anyone a loan..work at McDonalds?? want a 300k loan for a house in ca??? sure--u can just re-fi later.---and true as well re fannie and Freddie. huhh? the oil companies make people watch FOX?
  17. they called him crazy legs back in Canada.and so hes dead--with todays technology..
  18. 4-6..this team has 6 wins written all over it. If EJ is a huge success you can up that to 8-9 If EJ is a mess and starts then 4 wins. If EJ is a mess and Kolb starts---6 on the money.
  19. Its bizarre talking to some young people(Im talking 30ish) about football.The subject of OJ comes up...and they have no idea that he was arguably the best football player ever.One guy said "oh I heard he wasn't very good".-I can understand the media blackout on the guy due to the distastefulness of hero worshipping a murderer. But that doesn't mean we cant have a rational discussion about football. Its never OJs season rushing record its always Dickersons. Silly.--And these top 100 football player lists.--Putting guys like Emmit Smith above him.A joke.
  20. -I completely agree but I would put fitz in the arm strength slot
  21. my fave so far...the guy getting picked up hitchhiking by franco harris. 2nd place Billy Shaw playing street football with the little kids.
  22. Someone put some college highlight films of his up here last year. The play would begin--Bradham would stand there frozen for a couple seconds--then run toward the play. maybe he hits hard---but slow reactions and lack of instincts. I wasn't proven wrong by last season. lets hope Im proven wrong this year.
  23. I had a close friend who worked at Roswell in the 70s. OJ used to sneak in there unnoticed OFTEN and visit kids.-....Isnt Life strange??
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