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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Taylor was like a 14 yr old playing against 10 yr olds. He was so superior out there.There shoulda been a higher league for him to play in. Same with Jim Brown,OJ,Bruce,Reggie,Terrell Owens,Munoz,,and not too many more ETCs.
  2. Bradham is a slow reactor...mediocre football player with mediocre LB instincts.
  3. Fitzy...I thought even though we all know he lacked throwing ability---I thought he had the brains and athletic ability to make up for the lack of football talent.-that he'd be our Joe Kapp. Turns out he had a low football IQ.
  4. mario still disappears at times and has 4 good games. leodis--while making an amazing transformation this year--still has to make up for several disastrous bonehead yrs at CB.
  5. ---....technically yes----but coverage is coverage and we proved how good we are out there on that kick
  6. on a team with average return cov i agree with you. but we know our coverage is horrible
  7. we have the worst return coverage in football-----if that was called it was insane
  8. --no because no plane was broken....and the runner isnt running back to get the ball
  9. 11.2 refers to a runner who runs into the end zone not a pass receiver w feet in the EZ.
  10. haha...that brings back some memories...hilarious!!...that was early 80s I think wasnt it??
  11. its close--but i give the edge to the dolphins. they look good
  12. your avatar in person on the other teams sideline??
  13. people really have to get off of that cause...gailey was a lousy head coach well beyond the qb issue. he should design plays for an OC---and then let the OC run them and manage clock etc etc--and stay way away from the football field.
  14. well-- to a point what u say is true. but if a hold directly affects the outcome of a play it should probbly be called. A PI when 2 guys are fighting for the ball and its marginal should never be called i agree. the guy woulda sacked or messed up that last throw by brady no doubt.--if its a hold way out of the play--or if its a marginal hold--sure let it go.
  15. leodis is actually following the ball and not the receiver as ,much this yr--huge improvement....im impressed--i thought he was too old to change.
  16. i thought boomer was great and not anti buffalo at all. he pointed out WHY there was a roughing call and why there was PI on the long pass and argued against the call on Kyle. he was extremely fair and insightful
  17. maybe CJ if he is ever used properly.thats about it. kiko a darkhorse.Byrd a darkhorse. Freddie in his prime. Then you go to Kyle. Hes the next level. Mario slightly below him.
  18. this is still the same front office......while they pick some good players i am not too sure about their judgment at the QB position
  19. beebe could make the tough catch--it was the ones right in his hands he had trouble with
  20. well...you havent yet become old and bitter. my advice to you,,,get away as soon as you can. RUN!!! Before its too late.Look at us..do you want to become that way?
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