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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. cripe you should try navigating parts of the oakland coliseum--frightening
  2. oh life in the gray area. you are always right then.
  3. nelson never drops a ball.he gets open despite lack of speed. he doesnt break any tackles--in fact goes down easy. he is a good 3rd WR.
  4. Marquise can play football.Its so obvious--he doesnt need years to develope or 10 million chances.
  5. not a huge fan of either guys talent...but both are very athletic and both MAY become decent nfl Qbs..to me they are 6 or 1/2 a dozen
  6. i want jairus here. i just hope some idiot team doesnt offer him 13 mil/yr. we need playmakers on this team--and jairus is one of them. he is the anti-lil donte
  7. oh put away the pom poms--and look at it objectively
  8. silly? after EJ has a 'decent' game. i think not drafting a topnotch QB ne xt yr is the silly decision
  9. im not sure who gave up on manuel.....but he threw one near 6 pick....underthrew graham by a mile on that TD etc etc. He was OK today. This is always what happens on this board. Legit criticism for a player who hasnt shown us much. Then he has a decent game...and out come the ' oh how do feel now (name that player) criticizers'. So I guess we cant criticize a guy and make judgments in fear of having them play a 'decent' game. Smacks of Kelsay,fitz...on and on and on. EJ did look better today.GOOOD!!! lets see him continue with the progress. This game was won by the D. And EJ had a few good passes.Congrats on the long ball to Marquise.
  10. he wasnt garbage....altho that TD to graham was a laser
  11. well......just goes to show-=---get it down field its a good as a punt
  12. o please.... yeah 'flutie fans' cheered...just stop it. Idiots cheered. What a way to try to slime a group of people who like Flutie as a QB.Illogical.
  13. well actually on the previous series he threw at least 1 maybe 2 for a decent distan ce that were dropped--when they were only down 3
  14. good for fitz--he looked good and receivers let him down 2nd last drive---plus that Tenny D line---yikes they were awful when it counted
  15. Living in the present.....Is that really advisable for Bills fans?
  16. Flutie was a GOOD QB who didnt come to the Bills until he was nearly 36 yrs old. And for 2 + yrs showed incredible athleticism for a man his age. He won games.---Did he have his limitations?? Of course. partially because defenses figured him out a bit and partially because he was getting older and his arm/accuracy started to go.but what an enormous improvement he was over RJ--and he temporarily restored a winning culture to the Bills Wish we woulda gotten him to take over as JK was retiring. We woulda gott an even better/younger QB and not had to suffer through the Collins/Losman nightmares.
  17. explains exactly why the Bills are a loser organization....................RJ to Losman to Trent to Fitz to EJ. You cant make this stuff up.
  18. Absolutely GREAT TE. I liked him as a broadcaster--maybe because he annoyed so many sports fans with his big vocabulary. RIP
  19. sorry--you are missing my point. you start with the odds from scratch.--and show what they are. Then the actual performance of the teams proves the competency/incompetency of mgmt. You mention having the great QB---well it seems that some organizations had a shot at some very good to potentially great QBs---but end up picking track stars who cant play football. It all goes into the mix. The economic fairness shows that there is an equal chance for a team to do well. Add in the mgmt/owner to the mix and you can gauge--over time--which organizations are incompetent I am not making this into a math equation. My point is just to prove that mgmt is most of it. The SD chargers HAD their QB then some goofball decided Rivers was better. -Someone in the Pats org decided to take a chance on Brady. Its not as much of a luck of the draw as you think. Someone passed on Peyton and picked an unstable goofball at QB.--Starts at the owner then the GM/scouts then the coaches then the players...all tied together--But everything ties back to the owner .
  20. and you know Ralph made the decision
  21. Bills have a cream puff schedule and still find every single way to lose. Scheduling 'quirks' are a non -issue and just another excuse.
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