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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. i agree. the nfl is in bad shape because of poor coaching and poor QBing.paying these coaches millions for what a good high school coach could do perfectly well is ridiculous.
  2. God bless Danny.And God bless you and your family...-Will say prayers today.
  3. Anyone who thinks Swann is not a Hall Of Famer couldnt possibly have watched him play.The game was different.The make-up of a team has to be put into consideration. The guy made spectacular plays and rarely dropped the ball....What is he supposed to do??--Make sure the coach runs more plays for him so he can pad his stats? While quality and quantity often go together;there are times when they don't.
  4. TO not in? perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best WR in history. HoF is officially A JOKE. Jason Taylor should be nowhere near the HoF.--HoF=JOKE
  5. How about the 'Abe Gibron Superbowl Participation Trophy'. Both teams get them so the losing players don't feel so bad.
  6. What a buffoon...Rex only had to be average to keep his job. His defensive coaching was as bad as it could possibly be.
  7. 30k people =7k families 7k families at 150k/yr= 1,050,000,000 or slightly over a billion dollars lets say the total income for the Bills families living in OP = 100 million...that raises the total income 10% -so figure a 10% drop in total income if the Bills packed up and left OP.. -the 150k would drop to about 135k--mas o menos -of course i could be wrong on the amt of bills living in OP and their total income there. -if it is just 50 mil then the average income in OP would drop to maybe 142K
  8. 1.Kelly 2.Kemp 2a.Ferguson 3.Flutie(the guy was nearly 36 when he took the reigns here) 4.Reich Mad bomber was equal to Kelly in talent but he played so few games here. Marlin Briscoe could have been way up there....he was too far ahead of his time though
  9. Its absurd to judge a WR corps when you have a QB that both can't throw accurately and can''t find you when you are wide open.
  10. a healthy watkins running short routes and having Brady throw to him--perfectly placed balls----not to much or too little zip?? watch out Jerry Rice/Joe Monatna.
  11. The SB could be a good game.But the falcons are going to have to score on just about every drive.
  12. Pats offense calls for sure handed,precise route runners. Enter Hogan.perfect for the Pats winning system as a 2nd or 3rd receiver. I don't think Belicheck wants a bunch of spectacular WRs unless they run perfect routes.Of course he would take a Jerry Rice but he is perfectly happy with the Bobby Chandlers and Fred Biletnikoffs of the world.
  13. Our GM forgot to ask everyone in tallahassee if EJ was a good QB.
  14. sneak into the [playoffs with TT...then start Romo for the playoffs....-racist?
  15. The NFL needs to downsize if the QBing doesnt improve in this league.-There needs to be either a development league or a major shift in the type of QBs/offenses that are used in college. The majority of pro teams don't even have a QB with the basic skills of being a QB. How many of todays NFL QBs know how to throw a proper screen pass?.How many can look off the 1st or 2nd receiver and find receiver #3?(checkdown dumpoffs for 6 yds on 3rd and 7 don't count.)How many QBs are smart enough to manage the game clock? Yes there are some brilliant athletes..but that doesnt work in the NFL. The already tiny group of teams that have a real QB is shrinking. The only possible long shot alternative is for some pro teams to just run college offenses(you listening Buffalo?)
  16. NOOOOOO!!!...when will teams in the nfl ever learn about this type of college QB??
  17. KEEP TT for 2 years while drafting/developing other QBs. Any other decision is insanity. This is a 10-6 team with good defensive coaching. I can't believe this whole thing is even being discussed. We all know TT will never be very good in the pocket...And that he will never be good at finding receiver 2,3 or 4. So build the offense around his limitations and toward his strengths.-And get a legit D coordinator in here. Thats how the good franchises would deal with a situation like this. -Getting some mediocre non-athletic guy in here for 8 million a yr isnt gonna save a ton of money.(Orton). The over under on # of games before ROMO needs a skeleton transplant is 2.
  18. There is an ALZ epidemic happening. Why?? It has struck my family as well. Check and see if those people you know who have been diagnosed are currently and/or in the past have been taking statins. The only people who really benefit at all from statins(and its very slight) are middle aged men with prior/current heart disease. The studies show zero effect for all other groups. Don't take my word for it.Read the actual studies.If you have a decent science/math background you should be able to understand the study results/statistics. LDLs play a very vital role in the body's physiological/chemical functions. The branding of LDLs as 'BAD CHOLESTEROL' is a marketing scam.
  19. hehe----yes people are positively giddy after todays game. could change on a dime--well probbly not after atlanta which is awful--but after that
  20. been there after the refurb in the 80s. u been to/seen the coliseum upper right field stands??? the very top is steep--and there is a sheer drop of ...a lonng way down to the parking lot. gave me the creeps.
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