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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. ..and even if whaley had vince lombardo coaching he wouldnt have won because he never got us a QB.
  2. now thats an insult to Kelly.Kelly would be more like Big Ben.
  3. he is by far the bills most talented player. if he stays/gets healthy you franchise him and or extend him. this yr is the test. if he were healthy we'd be looking at a sure H of fame career ala Steve Smith. That foot has to heal and hold up.
  4. Just keep Whaley away from anything to do with the salary cap,or the draft,or QBs.There has to be a job out there for him somewhere.
  5. Bills will insist he sells his catalogue business.-And no more big game hunting in Rangoon.
  6. when we get a qb..plus 1-2 yrs...so if lucky 2019 or 2020
  7. I was there....that was freakish. I believe George friggin Blanda(47 yrs old at the time) barely missed a 50 yd field goal at the end.
  8. I enjoy watching him play.Once beyond the line of scrimmage and with a head of steam he is almost unstoppable. That said Fred Jackson was the superior running back of the 2. Fred...possibly a Hall of Famer if he didnt start in the NFL at the ridiculously advanced RB age of 27. PS--regarding Lynch's bullying....did that happen 1-2x or was that frequent?--And were there any particular teammates that were aiding him or looking the other way when he was pulling his BS?
  9. On the rez east of niagara falls. Buffalo Bill Cody wild west shows in warm weather and in the offseason. smoke signals. International attraction.Western style town built right around the stadium as well as teepees and a longhouse. Convenient for rochestarians up highway 33 or 31 or 18 etc etc.Closer to the canadians. Closer to the more populated suburbs of Buffalo. More family oriented.
  10. EJ Manuel: A very nice young man.-Its a shame the dream story never works in Buffalo. Losman cleaned up the city of Buffalo and embraced the town..... Doug Flutie--saves the Bills then screwed over by Ralph the incompetent. Rex the bigmouth embraced the town and would have been a bigmouth evil hero......if only he weren't such a horrible coach...
  11. If you look at the poor organizations around the league it is not at all unrealistic to think that a hack outsider could do better at many of the aspects of the jobs than the so-called pros do. Any person with half a brain and any common sense would not have drafted EJ Manuel where he was drafted.The entire population of Tallahassee would have told you that EJ was not that good. So it is not laughable at all to think that posters on a message board would know better than the so-called pros of The Dolphins,The Bills,The Jets,The Browns,The Lions etc etc.
  12. yeah right offenses now are like advanced mathematics...thats why we have such brilliant players to carry out these doctoral thesis level gameplans laid out by these genius ex jocks.
  13. Too high of a wonderlic score is indicative of too much time studying and not enough time developing football instincts.-You look at the great QBs...and only Rodgers and Brady at 35 and 33 have above 30 scores. Elway,Montana,Marino,Favre,Kelly,Peyton etc are ..well...academically a touch on the slow side.
  14. Its hard to judge Cookie just based on NFL(ok AFL--big leagues;).By the time he came into the league he was at his peak for a couple yrs then on the way downhill.Have to incl his CFL time. I think he was as close to Jim Brown as they come.....-You cant really compare him to OJ as u say some old timers did.That would be like saying Tony Gonzalez is a better receiver than Jerry Rice.Apples and oranges.
  15. I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. TT is a great athlete and a great football talent but a mediocre to average QB. TT can't maintain his cool in the pocket and can't quickly look to the 2nd and 3rd receivers. TT doesn't turn the ball over a lot. TT is a spectacular runner. TT is good enough for us to get into the playoffs if we have good coaching. TT will never take us to the promised land because of his significant QB skill limitations TT should be retained so we dont go 6-10 with some horrible recycled mediocre QB or some awful rookie or the skeletal fracture waiting to happen from dallas.
  16. i wasnt entertained. i was bemused by how sure i was ATL was gonna blow it .And how early in the 4th i knew it.I rarely watch football because the play is just not intelligent exc for NE
  17. but it wasnt exciting in a righteous way. it was exciting cuz ATL coaching took a dump.
  18. u have to admire NE though. they have far from the best talent. They are just way way smarter than everyone else.The NFL is a dumb league.The players are not bright and the coaching is poor
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