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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. not sure how old u r c biscuit--but it must be tough for the under 30 crowd on here who have barely glimpsed(Flutie for a yr or two) decent QB ing on the Bills. Kelly Ferguson and kemp with brief appearances by soon to be traded Darryl Lamonica and late 30s Doug Flutie are all that Buffalo has to show in the QB dept for 58 yrs.
  2. this whole thing is so simple. Peterman to starting QB and TT as back up RB and back up/emergency QB. TT is among the top ten runners in football. why waste him at QB?
  3. and that is why it was a wise move not to pay a big longterm contract to an average QB..... Cincy and Miami are learning this the hard way....
  4. ..that last drive on 3rd down where he(dalton) scrambled and threw the ball away when he had 3-4 seconds more time to scan the field was inexcusable .he has become pathetic.
  5. T O...no brainer.. Tasker deserving as arguably best STer of all time.-All depends on ones view of STs importance. Other guys mentioned great players but not great enough. Biscuit had the talent to be one of the best of all time...But he didnt have the drive/work ethic.-He was flashing Lawrence taylor-like talent his rookie year.
  6. The Matt Millen Doctrine,...also called 'Take a WR #1 overall in consecutive years to start a dynasty'.
  7. Rice,Owens,Swann,Steve Smith,Alworth,Moss...and 100 others that are a hair apart.
  8. we have the jets and dolphins in our division. an intramural team could go 5-11.
  9. This pretty much assures that sammy's health will be perfect from now on.. Canton speech 2032 exerpt; "I would like to thank the Buffalo Bills for drafting me"
  10. ............50 yards and an extra shot of helium to the primary receiver.... -mostly its just the Bills receivers wildly flailing their arms in an I'M OPEN I'M OPEN signal down field while TT is panicking in a perfectly adequate pocket.
  11. i assume someone has mentioned that TT has zero ability to throw one
  12. Hear hear...2 really great guys who i wish had some QB talent.You can't blame them...just the Bills crappy organization. There is rarely a happy ending in Buffalo sports. I cant imagine Brady in a fight.
  13. maclin imagined himself wide open down field waving his arms at a qb panicking in the pocket
  14. u r the ludicrous one. Fred was amazing at an age where most NFL running backs are over the hill.--And this was on a lousy team. Fred Jackson starting at age 22 or 23 would have probably led the league in rushing at least a few times and gotten massive yardage.he was brilliant making yardage out of the absolute nothing the bills o line gave him.He had home run ability even at 30 years of age. He was powerful enough to drag d players that xtra 2 yards. put him on those 90s bills teams with a full career...he woulda led the league in total yardage as often as thurman. Nothing ludicrous about speculating what Fred coulda done if he werent ignored for the prime running back yrs.Fred shoulda been well over 10k yards with a decent start.No problem at all.
  15. Fjax--borderline hall of famer if he didnt start his nfl career at the grand old AGE OF 27
  16. we have a winner. all i can say is OJ Anderson for 3 and 1/3 yds on 1st 2nd and 3rd down running away from Bruce .
  17. what would have happened to him if he were drafted by the Bills,the Browns, The Lions,The Jets or some other puke franchise? He dodged a bullet in the beginning thats for sure. But his brilliance wasnt in his athletic ability...It was in his freakish total concentration.Like an autistic kid.Combined with the greatest coach of all time(due respect to Lombardi and walsh) and a great owner the perfect storm happened.
  18. A GM who is clueless about finding a QB wastes the fans time and wastes the time of the coaches and the players on the roster.Shame that Kyle will never play in an important football game because Whaley was so inept. That said...Ralph wasted our time as well.
  19. Reminds me of Ville Leino.-I mean the production.
  20. RIP'prayer to a GREAT player. I wonder if anyone has done studies on life expectency of ex-NFLers. I wouldn't be surprised if the LE for linemen(esp black) is quite low. I notice Bruce has slimmed down considerably(235ish?) Wise.
  21. Ted Washington.Cookie. Byrd.Jerry Butler.Eric Moulds.Bobby Chandler(is he already on?)
  22. bigger cities than buff w only 1 franchise..-sacramento,orlando,san antonio,portland,san diego,(OKC and memphis-slightly bigger) smallest 4 team city--minneapolis -st. paul largest 2 team city--seattle...(SF technically--but sharks in their metro area) smallest 2 team cities--virtual tie betw NO and BUFF largest 3 team city--Houston smallest 3 team cities--cleveland,pitt,tampa,milwaukee virtual tie
  23. right on the money. ive thought this for years. i think we cann all agree---well anyone with common sense---that head battering from age 7 up to age 40 will cause brain damage. but we also have to ponder the reasons for the much higher rates of alz in the normal public. there are reasons for it. and i think the answer lies somewhere in the pharmaceutical industry.
  24. $3500 for a 450k home in california.....of course i am not in the SF bay area.450k would buy me a shack there.
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