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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. The 2007 Pats,85 Bears,2002 Ravens.1984 49ers are getting spanked by a mediocre Redskins team at home:)
  2. I agree with you that the strong arm /think quickly combo is the best of course. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.Johnny U comes to mind. His arm strength was a joke. RE: Fitzpatrick...His arm was a joke of course. But I also think he is not a very intelligent football player despite his high IQ. So I don't think he was a quick thinker out there.
  3. QBing is more cerebral(footballsmarts not IQ) than athletic of course. Blacks in general are better athletes.They are faster runners. That is just a fact. There is a difference between white people and black people in their muscle insertions and that ratio that produces the ability to move faster. Of course there are the Mike Mosleys from the Bills in the 80s and the Lance Alworths and others who were/are the exceptions. There is no prejudice against whites in the high paying CB position. Whites are...lets say...are on a more equal footing when it comes to the QB position.So therefore there is a more normal ratio/% of QBs per racial population. Also: many or most colleges have the model of the great athlete QB ..which is generally a winner on the field in college ball. The problem is they are not developed properly to be great NFL QBs. And many dumb franchises are fooled by all the winning in college--thinking that they can make a player into something he is not trained to be. Now don't tell me the exceptions. We know they are out there.I am speaking in general.(I love Watson and the killer instinct he seems to have:The winning instinct) And don't tell me I'm claiming something about blacks being dumb and not able to be great QBs.Its not about IQ(look at Kelly,Marino,Montana:Not exactly the brothers Einstein) But should the 3 best QBs in the league be age 40,38,and 35? Somethings wrong here.
  4. I know the decision involved world record idiocy.I'll amend the mistake and say that they took him slightly early..instead of when they should have which is never. o great Trump derangement syndrome on display.
  5. altho Donovan Mcnabb should have been benched in the SB when he was phase shifting out there with time running out.And Michael Vick was not a good QB(rich mans Tyrod)
  6. Peterman looks like he has a mediocre throwing arm...Funny delivery but decent accuracy. But these things can be overcome by quick thinking,anticipatory throws,other intangibles. There have been plenty of good QBs without the good arm.
  7. how can u tell if he has no receivers?? he cant/wont get the ball to them unless they are the primary target and they are wide open. ps--where is the imagination in coaching? TT lines up next to Peterman as a RB...he gets the pitch--then can run it or pass it.the DBs cant cheat on the WRs hence lots of open guys to throw to or TT gains gobs of yards. That opens the fake pitch or handoff and all of a sudden its not the D that controls you but vice versa.Just TT back there as RB or he and Shady. The dumbest thing would be letting a brilliant running talent rot on the bench.
  8. yeah it got old the past 2 weeks. 3 weeks ago age wasn't a problem.
  9. I cant blame marrone for getting out.He knew he was dealing with a loser organization that throws away draft picks to move up and pick a QB that everyone in Florida knew sucked. he made the correct decision. Marrone did the best he could with garbage QBs here.
  10. Perfectly stated BobB. Our WRS had to deal with a nightmare. QBs who had zero instinct about when and where to throw a pass and hit a guy in stride. Floating passes up there where the WR could get clobbered....-Right now the rams are using Sammy as a secret weapon.They know how good he is. Kinda like the dolphins used Paul Warfield--very few receptions but huge YPC..and kept the DBs from cheating.
  11. true. and that's the strange part. and people are trying to figure out/explain how a competitive team just fell off the cliff the last 2 games. none of the explanations really make sense. something very strange happened. you don't forget how to tackle and you don't get old and you don't forget how to block in the course of 2 weeks. I think something metaphysical involving dark entities is involved. Ralph was a hands on guy that knew zero about football and had zero football instinct.--He grew up playing squash in the posh country clubs of Detroit.
  12. cripe thats an OJ/Jim Braxton day in '73. We werent facing any OJ or Jim Braxton sunday.
  13. This is The twilight Zone. The Bills will be a contender in 3 yrs..from now,,,from next year..to eternity. They need to put a sign in front of the ralph which says PUPPET SHOW HOME OF THE BUFFALO BILLS
  14. I agree bigd...you summed it up just about perfectly
  15. peter I been around for a lonnnnng time...and I believe that this performance vs the saints may prove to be the most pathetic in bill history on many levels. 1st downs were 31-4 at one point before garbage time.
  16. of course the teams we beat are proving to be not so great...but that still is a million miles away from explaining the last 2 and particularly the last game. it was freakishly ugly and inexcusable for any team regardless of talent level its a matter of judgment(good judgment) to know which coaches/gms are awful and which just need more time.
  17. Woods and Watkins lead 7-2 Rams to victory. 8 and 171 for Woods:):):):) Dareus team 6-3 and looking strong as well. Gilmore will probably be in the SB. And Rex is feeling better about himself!!!
  18. McD deserves a lot of credit for having this team at 5-4 given its talent level. Obviously the team quit today--which is inexcusable but not McDs fault. The saints aren't the 85 Bears or the 89 Niners or the 07 pats. This is the worst I have seen a bills team get clobbered since maybe '71. But remember-This team played very well for 7 weeks out of 9 so far. There must be something very strange occurring. And I don't think anyone outside the Bills organization knows what it is.
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