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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. jamie mueller was good in these conditions....and yes growing up in buffalo you had to learn to catch passes in this crap
  2. earthquake enyart or rosey leaks woulda been perfect for this game.
  3. OJ was sensational running in the snow...for all you youngsters out there
  4. Larry Fitzgerald couldn't possibly be that stupid...Could he? I'm pretty much done with the NFL anyway...And a one game suspension for an act that could easily have paralyzed a guy for life..and not a vicious tackle even but an assault of a man down on the ground..This league was becoming horseshit and now it fully is horseshit. Add this insanity to a league already starving for decent QB play.5 teams have a chance to do anything in this league because the rest do not have competent QBs(and there are no Baltimore ravens circa 2000 defenses out there). Lets see if White fully recovers from this Ever. He should press charges against Gronkowski.
  5. i cant believe the people on here. ''should be a 2 game suspension". so what...he could now rest up for 2 weeks before the Pats have home field advantage in the playoffs? He should be suspended for a year.
  6. tell me u arent comparing this to skinny AJs 'choke hold'
  7. the nfl will suspend him for 2 games which dont matter cuz NE has it all wrapped up. they will fine him a ton also which wont matter the guys a zillionaire. he should be gone for a year...and thats getting off easy
  8. looking at his neck wrenched down was frightening
  9. gronk should be suspended for a yr. he could have paralyzed white
  10. white should consider criminal charges.. he could have turned white into darryl stingley. and there is a serious question about whites career now. cripe just watched the replay again. gronk should be suspended for a year.
  11. Tyrod should be running a LOT. That's his skill. The Bills are incredibly lucky that the chiefs were so awful. A mediocre offensive performance beats the Bills handily last SUN.
  12. yeah he is a better announcer than QB. Mr 5 TD passes for 400 yds then fumble the snap at the end of the game to lose Romo.
  13. The raiders may have done this to Carr.And look at that disaster of a supposed playoff team. Lets hope we aren't dealing with a bunch of petulant children here. I have suspected something was afoot. Every team didnt all of a sudden figure us out after 7 games.
  14. Grounding when they were in position to kick a FG and win at end of regulation. And stats don't make a great QB. Rivers is a stats guy and Romo was a stats guy and neither of them were clutch players. Romo could throw for 400 nyds and still blow the game with a clutch mistake.same with Rivers. Cousins is similar to these guys. Is he better than TT ? Yes. he has talent. But some QBs are winners and others just aren't. In NBA terms think Carmelo Anthony.
  15. Good God just stop. He is a loser.He personally gave the saints the win today with his stupidity. he has proven that he is not at all a winner.Just the Rx for buffalo;)
  16. they were good in 82 and 83 altho the strike season hurt them....then they were awesome in 87 altho the strike hhurt that yr too. everyone was picking them before 88 to do really well. 84-86 were rough but we drafted Kelly and bruce and had a ton of potential
  17. u rarely win when the other teams punter has a day at the spa
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