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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. it is NOT a bright line. people take different amts of time 'going down' after securing the ball--see my earlier example of a WR catching a pass and being off balance and stumbling forward after taking many steps before going down
  2. so my point that the player was already down is valid. he could have had to stumble forward for 10 yds and then hit the ground
  3. i know what u r saying jukester...but i believe i do have a point with the ruling . what if a player catches the ball way off balance and takes several steps before falling to the ground?? where is the line drawn? to take an extreme example---the WR catches a ,long bomb ala lance alworth and had to fly so fast that he took 7 steps before hitting the ground. then the ball pops out. Incomplete pass after he was running with it for 15 yds?
  4. no proof his hand wasnt under the ball. no clear evidence to overrule
  5. plus the fact that there was no proof that the ball ht the ground. stupidest thing ive ever seen. he had a hand underneath it....
  6. his knee was down. he was officially onthe ground at that point
  7. it doesnt matter if his hand stayed under the ball---he broke the plane of the EZ after having complete control of the ball.And no one can give the 'landing' argument. His knee was down he already friggin landed if anyone tries to use that bogus S
  8. in every imaginable argument that is a TD. its not even debatable
  9. pats fan u have to be kidding. how do u expect anyone to take u seriously when u r such an egregious homer?
  10. leaving time on the clock over and over in the 2nd half when he should have been killing clock.to start
  11. PB on the hands team.....--wow what poor coaching and QBing that last half. meaning a normal performance by TT.typical.
  12. run another o coordinator out of here cuz TT aint the brightest bulb
  13. the famous tt drive stall...loss on a rush then an incomplete pass
  14. maybe tate is a good wr..cuz he certainly is an awful kr
  15. which would be a real typical bills bonehead move..the cousins part
  16. punt the right call in that situation guys.not sure why all the outrage.
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