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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. tt is what he is.. its never gonna change...thankfully bortles is worse so far
  2. i hate this o coordinator--run the effing ball in ..for gods sake its first and goal from the effing 1 and1/2
  3. effing stupid [plays on 2nd and 3rd--how can they be sio dumb?
  4. bs blocking in the back call--that was a perfect block i hate the nfl refs--they are horrible
  5. slow dev plays...u gotta play open with these guys...thats why we are converting 3rd downs
  6. hes not an up the middle runner...look at him vs dolphins
  7. absolutely 100 % correct /best answer............... 2nd best answer Offense: Kemp Defense:Sestak
  8. ok--but i was making a joke. RBs make stiff arms differently than O linemen.Jim Btrown--the king of the stiff arm just pushed guys straight out of the way
  9. the 98 team was much better than this one..esp on defense. wade however was not a great head coach.
  10. 5 8 and 193 is pretty solid. thats like 6 0 and 212. I agree w you re the guns. Guns are not an asset for RBs and WRs and QBs. They get in the way.
  11. Yes it is a good thing....if the O cooordinator insists on pounding shady up the middle for 1 yd per carry. If the coordinator takes his brain pills then he will use Shady in unique ways vs the jags.
  12. To correct a few of your errors...The tax cuts are temporary because of the dems. The dems could make them permanent but a 60/40 vote is needed for that. You complain about 'taking on debt' by this tax cut. ...So the doubling the natl debt over the past 8 yrs has been the result of????? You think higher taxes brings in more revenue? -That is not the case. You complain about higher earners not getting the state tax write off.Then at the next moment you complain about this tax cut benefitting the wealthy.Which is it? Corporate reserves are high because the corps are not reinvesting due to high taxes.Invest more, increase employment ,increase tax revenue. Blue states send more moneny to the feds than they get back? taxes are spent in many ways. They arent supposed to be a way to give to the fed govt so the fed govt can dole out an allowance to the states. .This nonsense about higher taxing to balance a budget. That really works well in Illinois,NY and CA where they cant come close to balancing a budget with their sky high tax rates.
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