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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. Donte Whitner, my new favorite Bill, tackling that punk Raider in the endzone late. That's leadership, and I love how Donte refused to let that dude hot dog in our house.
  2. Agree -- i'm still happy we have a solid backup QB in JP
  3. Wow, NE got punched in the mouth today by the Dolphins. If you didn't see it, the entire stadium started emptying like crazy at the END OF THE 3RD QUARTER. Patsie fans couldn't get out of there fast enough! Way to stick behind your team, boys! Talk about weak, fair weather fans.
  4. Did everyone else see the light come on for edwards after that pick ? Great win -- trent needs to be more consistent, but i felt this was a really big game for him. He struggled and was inaccurate, but was able to overcome it. It didn't help that the Raiders inexplicably went away from man to man and went to a soft zone and stopped blitzing. That was a stupid move, and directly led to edwards feeling more comfortable. After that pick, it seemed like he got pissed off, and the last bit of tentativeness went out of his mind, and the light came on for him. He went from feeling his way thru it and learning to taking command and coming of age. The Bills thought they could show up on this one, and boy were they wrong.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3POT8n2Qk3g karma
  6. McCain, more of the same....blah blah blah. Running on the platform of "Vote for me, 'cause I'm not the other guy" is meaningless to me. Same old same old. Dems can claim they are totally different and promise the world. They come up with a few catchy slogans, have a family reunion on stage, and that's supposed to translate into a good president? It makes no difference. Obama hasn't done one thing that is noteworthy, and has no credentials beyond being a good bullsh*tter and telling people what they want to hear. I don't trust the guy, and am convinced he will say ANYTHING to get votes, and doesn't have any opinions of his own. As far as i can tell there is no substance to all his promises. The devil is in the details, and I have yet to hear one detail that makes any sense. Most of his promises sound empty and unrealistic to me, and pretty much impossible to accomplish without creating a socialist society. If I wanted 70% income tax and a country where there is no motivation or reward for hard work, I would move to Sweden, live off the Gov't, and be mediocre. Honestly, I don't know that it matters who gets elected. Nothing in Washington EVER changes. It is and will continue to be the same old krap. I don't know much about Mccain, but I vote for him because "he's not the other guy". I vote for McCain because my taxes will go up if Obama wins. I vote for McCain becuase I don't believe in or trust the Obama hype that the Dems have used to make him seem larger than life with smoke and mirrors. It is all hype.
  7. Agree, trent had a very good 1st qtr. Hoping there's more of that into the reg season
  8. I live in Pleasanton, Ca -- work in the pharmaceutical industry doing R&D
  9. Here are the facts: 1) Edwards did not play well last night 2) JP played pretty well last night IF Edwards improves, he should remain the starter. If he CONTINUES to play LIKE HE DID PLAY last night, bench him. I want to win now, damnit. They say that if you have a QB controversy, it means you have 2 guys that are not so hot. We could have had Leinart....
  10. We could have had Leinart This is about making the playoffs, not throwing in the towel for the year to develop a QB who may or may not be NFL caliber. QB who plays is the one that gives us the best chance to win the game. I am sick and tired of this losers mentality. You mean to tell me that you're ready to tell the other 51 guys busting their ass every week that they are wasting their time and we're just gonna let this young guy play even tho he sucks ? That's dogsh*t. If Trent sucks, pull his ass out and let JP see if he can turn things around. Once the playoffs are no longer a possibility, then Trent can go back and see if he can get any better over time. If he still sucks, time to find a new plan.
  11. That was a much more intelligent column, and a much better read compared to what we usually get from Jerry Sullivan. Breath of fresh air.
  12. How do you know who did and didn't go on the police record? Have you seen the court documents and DA files? Have you seen each and every witness transcript? Based on what you said and all the facts you seem to know that others do not, YOU MUST HAVE THE CASE FILES. I can only conclude then, based on your statement, spaces between paragraphs, and typing style, that you MUST HAVE burglarized the DAs office and stole the documents. People who type like you do have burglar tendencies. You are a sicko......and a Fing burglar. Or worse, a canadian.
  13. How do you know the police were "pounding" on the door ? You lose more credibility everytime you make sh*t like that up. Marshawn lives in a big Fing house, and after being out all night was probably in a very deep sleep. I live in a 3800 sq ft house, and if all the doors are closed to our master bedroom, knocking on the door or even ringing the doorbell will not wake me up.
  14. She was drunk, and the TV report said she was DANCING into the street. That doesn't sound good. The size of that canadian cow, she was bigger than the SUV. Lucky she didn't cause anymore damage to Lynch's sweet ride. Why do you conclude Lynch was drinking? Just because you might be unable to fathom going out to Chippewa and not drinking doesn't mean others don't have the discipline and will power to do so. I've been the Designated Driver many times and stayed out there until after 2am without drinking. There have also been witnesses who've said he was at the same bar, but only drinking water all night. The justice system ran its course, case closed. Move on. He apologized, you can choose to accept it or not. Nobody really cares. Now, don't you hate it when people come to conclusions without having all the facts? No one here has all the information that the DA has. Thus, you are not working with the complete picture. You haven't interviewed the witness or Marshawn. DA has done both, and has asked them all the relevant questions. Based on that information, he decided on the appropriate course of action. You're not working with a full deck of cards, my friend. Lastly, your evaluation of the video and his mannerisms is similarly over extrapolated and amateurish. You are apparently unable to apply these principles to real life, which must be why you have a hard time considering opinions other than your own....your friends and co-workers would classify you as a poor listener, rigid, and unable to adapt to a changing environment.
  15. wow, sounds like jeremy white will be gone and working with Brad soon!
  16. If Trent is as superior as The Edwards BAll Washer contingent promotes, Trent should have no problem beating out JP. Why would you be afraid of an open competition ?
  17. 7, 8, or 9 wins means again not making the playoffs. This team needs to make the playoffs. THIS YEAR. Why would you be satisfied with less? And if trent struggles, it might be a 4 or 5 win season. I for one am tired of making more excuses, assuming again that 'this is not the year" and writing off the season before it starts. We haven't been to the playoffs in over a decade, ladies. When are we going to the playoffs ? We may find trent isn't the guy this year. Then what? It might be another 10 years of no playoffs.
  18. What if trent goes down with an ACL tear and is out for the season in Game #1 ? If no adequate backup, the season is lost. I find it comical how Trent is being made the starting QB without having to win the job. That was a major factor in JPs demise, and the consensus was the decision was a huge huge mistake. This will also be a huge mistake. I want my starting QB to earn it. I want an open competition, JP vs Trent vs whomever in camp, best man wins. JP bashers continually complain that JP was just given the job, and that impacted his mindset and contributed to his failings. Now, you are happy to do the same thing again? Why ?
  19. I found some more example questions from a website that offers a training course to improve scores. These questions are significantly more difficult. See how many of these 7 you can get in 1 minute 45 seconds! If you are going to do it for real, do not look at the questions. They allow you to have a pencil and paper for the test -- you will need it. Wonderlic* Study Guide Wonderlic* Practice Questions Set 1 http://www.testprepreview.com/wonderlic_practice.htm 1. A physical education class has three times as many girls as boys. During a class basketball game, the girls average 18 points each, and the class as a whole averages 17 points per person. How many points does each boy score on average? 2. Randolph has 8 ties, 6 pairs of pants, and 4 dress shirts. How many days could he possibly go without wearing the same combination of these three items? 3. John is a mechanic. He makes $8.50 an hour, plus $3 extra for every oil change he performs. Last week he worked 36 hours and performed 17 oil changes. How much money did he make? 4. A box of staples has a length of 6 cm, a width of 7 cm, and a volume of 378 cm cubed. What is the height of the box? 5. What is the average of all of the integers from 13 to 37? 6. A basketball player averaged 20 points a game over the course of six games. His scores in five of those games were 23, 18, 16, 24, and 27. How many points did he score in the sixth game? 7. Arnold is about to go on a 500-mile car trip. His mechanic recommends that he buy a special highway engine oil that will save him 50 cents in gas for every 25 miles of the trip. This new oil, however, will cost $20. Is it worthwhile for Arnold to buy the oil if he has a coupon for $4 dollars off the price?
  20. It says that NO OFFERED a 2nd round pick, and the Giants said no thanks. That leads me to conclude the giants are looking for more than a 2nd round pick.
  21. 3rd rounder. I actually liked the other stanford WR better, the 6'7" Evan Moore -- at least in college. Evan was a very good WR when healthy.
  22. Right. Becuase if Flutie plays we don't have the lead at any time in the game. Just Sayin'
  23. price is now a 1st and a 3rd. SD is friggin nuts putting in a $2.4M offer for a b/u rb. If nobody signs him thet have ~10-11M locked in at rb!
  24. I am not ok with shaud w as our backup, so we need two guys not just one. A train is a decent insurance Policy
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