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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. ok, it's over ==> go back to JP
  2. he's still not saying who is going to start....and said it doesn't bother him that moulds spilled the beans, because Moulds wasn't giving anything out that was a problem. huh? Wouldn't everyone feel dumb if JP actually started.... Not that that would happen, but if it did. No, it won't happen....unless it does. Then we'll all be suprised. Unless we aren't.
  3. Interesting, he'd never go on WGR.... If you don't have Sirius, you better axe some body
  4. WOW! VERY TIGHT --> 3051 for Bills, 3035 for KC Let's GO, ROCK THE VOTE
  5. I do recall that Duck running an INT back 81 yards for a game winning TD on our home field 3 years ago.
  6. That move by Willis was sick. BTW, wasn't that a horse-collar tackle on the deep ball to Evans that was supposed to be called this year?
  7. just turned it on...so far, threw an easy pick right to the DB that he somehow dropped Drops back on 3rd and 9....pat, pat decides to run for it (must have been watching JP)...goes head first but comes up short. 4th down. Drops back...pat, pat, sack. yawn, seems like i have seen this all before
  8. Bills should bring him in to camp and have a look at him. He was a good ball catcher. Everyone likes a good ball catcher at camp.
  9. Listening to Dan Reeves on NFL Radio (SIRIUS)....said he was very impressed with JP in the Green Bay scrimmage. Said he made good & decisive decisions, and threw the ball well.
  10. Flying out of BUF a couple times a month, I am always suprised how much one can learn about the Bills free agent moves. Two Billsdrive needs to sign up a spy correspondent who works at the airport! So yesterday, both Porkchop and Rivers were on my flight to detroit last night....both sitting in 1st class. I was waiting to board coach when they called for 1st class, and i happened to be standing in the way (as usual). Porkchop taps me on the shoulder and says, 'um, excuse me sir, are you in line?' I noticed he was also very nice to the woman taking tickets, and helped a woman put her luggage in the overhead. He did not dress in anything flashy at all -- it appears his momma raised him right. Very different than some of the cocky big mouthed guys from the jets secondary that i was on a plane with not long ago. It was interesting that Rivers and Porkchop didn't speak to each other...they walked up to the gate at the same time, but split off and sat on different sides of the terminal waiting to board. I assume they were dropped off together, but could be wrong. Their seats were not next to each other on the plane, either. Not once did I see them speak. I would think, as potential teammates, that they would be talking about the bills, what they both thought, etc. Esp. an OL and TE who would be playing so close together. One thing that i still never heard reported a couple of years ago, was Junior Seau making a visit to one bills drive.....i ran into him at the airport just before going to miami.
  11. I agree with a previous post....brad and jeremy were a good team at night, and on w-ends...although the politics talk made me turn them off plenty of times. That was very annoying. WGR is ok (not great), and I really miss having other options in this market. What a bummer. Best thing i ever did was to get sirius satellite radio...the NFL Radio network is AWESOME, and they often break Bills news before WGR does. Not to mention all the other very good programming available on satellite. I still listen to WGR, but could not live without my satellite radio!
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