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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Saaaayyyy...how 'bout this idea? PLAY SOME FRIKIN HOCKEY YOU GREEDY PLAYERS AND ARROGANT OWNER PUKES! Run that through marketing, fellahs.
  2. Now if they can get Brandon Spoon, Ol' Greggggg might be able to answer a question without having to "look at the tape." Ugh. Didnt he say that to every question: "It was a failure to execute. We'll have to check the tape." GW=RJ
  3. Ooooo. Nice one. Mind if I use that? You see thats what you can do with a little moxie, kids.
  4. Wow. That really WAS simple. Hmmph, never saw a thread ended so succinctly. Nicely done.
  5. Glad to see I'm not alone. I liked Get Shorty, but this was freakin awful. I watched the first hour and after not laughing once I walked out. $$$ cha-ching $$$ Hope word of mouth kills this sucka.
  6. The Los Angeles Mighty Dolphins of Anaheim and the Greater Southern California Basin. GO LAMDAGSCB's! (lam-DAG-scubs) I like how they replaced that silly dolphin-through-the-hoop logo with the seal-and-horn logo.
  7. I said the same thing, but she didnt buy it. She said, "Dont worry, it happens to every guy sometime..." Sigh. Darn aqueous crystallization.
  8. What man doesnt have that exact same medication in his car, medicine cabinet and nightstand? Jeeesh, the hypocrisy...
  9. That expression makes me want to PUKE! I'm afraid I'll use it over and over... TOM D, Nobody is buying how lucky we are to have Lindell. We had one or two good kickers in Buffalo over the last 40 years or so--you didnt bring the game with you when you blew into town. Lindell is unreliable, the coaches know it, the stadium and fans know it, YOU know it. Come on.
  10. Shoulda saw that coming, hardy-har-har! I'll bet all the chickens are jealous.
  11. So, I was hittin that blunt with Wicky the other night and hes usin a dolphins jersey to clear the air cause someones knockin on the door, and I'm like, Wicky's not here, man! Then all of a sudden he just sets the pipe down and walks out of the place leavin me standing there,never said anything,and I'm like Damn he must do that to everyone. Next day, I call him and tell him he owes me for the MJ cause he just took off and he tells me he's thinkin about comin back. Weird.
  12. Oh no you di'int! lol
  13. He should try to meet some twins
  14. Dear Coors or whoever bought Molson, You've just exposed yourself as being corporate pukes and I wouldnt buy your lousy Barry-Bonds-flaxseed-oil enhanced swill if YOU paid ME to drink it. Just keep your effen hands off MOLSON! Dont change the label, the bottle, the flavor, nothing. Just go back to peeing in your mountain streams and leave that good canadian beer ALONE! "fast-chilling aluminum cans" did I read that right? All aluminum chills fast you goofball, marketing puke. Next it will be Molson Crap Gimmick, the coldest looking beer in the store.
  15. now THAT was funny!
  16. I just want to go on record saying JP will pass for 300 yards per game in every game we play this year and by the 6th week everyone in the national news will start the JP watch waiting for him to finally rookie-out but he doesnt, see, and then we earn homefield advantage through the playoffs which we stroll through to make it to the Superbowl which JP GUARANTEES and people are like, OH NO HE DI'INT, and were like OH YEAH, BIG CAT, HE DID then we pound the crap out of BILL PARCELLS, THE COWBOYS and DREW all in one SUPERBOWL VICTORY!!!!!! and i did it in one sentence. GO BILLS! GO JP!
  17. They must've thought the security around Willem Dafoe was too tight.
  18. I am pregnant its not yours its your brothers least i think i was drunk
  19. This dude definitely has problems. No matter the sickest, weirdest, vilest most senseless fetish you can think of and someone in the world is into it... I mean, probably, right (ahem)? Anyway I hope this coach can lick his problem. This guy is a leech on society. OH STOP IT!
  21. BATBOY rocks!
  22. Yeah but it doesnt sound as dramatic to say Bledsoe crushed a beercan on King's head. Big deal. I do that to myself all the time!
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