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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Greggg Willliams, Mike Sheppard, Kevin Killdrive... Oh this is the Wall of Fame, not Shame. I cant think of anyone after '99
  2. I use and highly recommend a little device called The Screen Machine. Google it. I havent had 1 solicitation in the 4 years I've used it. And all my friends, family and invited business could easily get through if I wasnt such a shallow, lonely man.
  3. I dont hate Travis Henry. My 15 year old daughter, for some reason, is a big fan. She pretends to have late night phone conversations with him locked in the bathroom. HAHA, she is a funny girl. By the way, anyone here been parking that Hummer down the street from my house? Your rap music is really loud.
  4. So was Jack Lalaine! I just think its terrible that someone like that could let himself get so out of shape when using steroids these days is as easy as rubbing soothing flaxseed oil on your arms! What does this say to our children? "Hey, kids, you can use steroids in secret your whole career but the moment you have open-heart surgery and start approaching 60-- abandon them." What does that say about commitment or loyalty? First Barry Bonds, now this. I dont know if steroids will ever recover.
  5. http://www.thisislondon.com/showbiz/articl...ce=Daily%20Mail click on the pic. If you dare.
  6. I wish we could add Barry Bonds, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, and Lance Armstrong to the line. Think of what McNally could do with Arnold at center! I saw him get shot with a shotgun once, and he bounced right up and walked it off. Very durable. Still, something tells me they wouldnt be in the league long.
  7. Bunny.
  8. Remember that its the Hall of FAME not the Hall of Best-at-the-position and Drew Bledsoe is FAMOUS. He is a classic example of...of...that type of...quarterbacking. Well, maybe they'll put him in the Rob Johnson Wing.
  9. LEE "Porkchop" EVANS. I think this year he shows us what a bust Josh Reed was.
  10. Try to make up for that hour of sleep by napping at work. I highly recommend this as it leaves you refreshed for your coffee and lunch breaks.
  11. Why would I bother typing my own response when you have crystallized my thoughts exactly? Why I Ask You? WHY?! Because it helps my post total, thats why.
  12. Ryan "Stone-cold lock from inside the 20" Lindell. I realize thats a longshot given how lucky we are to have him. But all I have are my dreams...
  13. Thats why vampires never attend baseball games, "Even though ve love BATS! AHH HA HA HA! One. Two. Three Bats! (THUNDER) AHH HAhaha!
  14. "The lack of mobility, that one, I've just kind of let that one go forever. I'm not fast. But there are a lot of guys that are a hell of a lot slower than I am. Somebody wants to do a pay-per-view race between me and [Tom] Brady, sign me up."--Drew Bledsoe Whu? The Superbowl winner? THAT Brady? What a strange thing to say. A footrace? Was he kidding? And why Brady, why not JP? He just left the Bills... Do you think Brady was in Bledsoe's head? Maybe it wasnt Bill B. and the Patsies, maybe it was just Tom Brady staring at him on the sidelines the whole time like Dennis Rodman or something. "Stupid kid staring at me the whole time. I know he is I can feel him just staring at me with his stupid Superbowl rings and stupid looking face and hes STILL staring at me-- whoa. Who'd I throw that to?"
  15. Saaayyy...maybe the prognostication was TOO good? Quick! Do a search for that post! Whoever posted it is TOM DONAHOE! We got you now, you ol' fox!
  16. What kind of a society do we live in when you cant even get a sobriety test without being hassled by the cops?
  17. I guess my question is this: Did Lance Armstrong discover a roid that could make him both superhuman AND scrawny?
  18. The kind of ears formed when you pull both your front pockets inside-out.
  19. From a horizontal position at the foot of Jessica Alba's waterbed covered in a sweet, sticky mixture of-- Wait, I guess I actually wouldnt be watching a game. But it is something I'd like to get around to before I die. I should return her calls.
  20. "A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat."
  21. Ummmm. What happens if things at the new gig go badly? Does Steve get blamed: OT- Stojan you ruined my life and I will find you.
  22. Oh, Deion. How far you fallen from the classy young man we used to know. Its as though, suddenly, your name is to be bandied about. What happened to the modest young man who used to say before games, "Now, children, remember always show respect!" Sigh... Its like I dont know you anymore.
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