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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. patpat <throw the ball> patpat <Throw It!> patpatpat <OHMYGODNOTAGAIN THROW THE BALL!!> patpatpatpatpat <THEY'RE COMIN'! THROW IT YOU STUPID STATUE!> "OOF!" <sigh>
  2. Baltimore County police spokesman Bill Toohey: "It's a sign that we're all a little nervous in the post-9/11 world." Moron.
  3. Thank goodness they still have mud wrestling.
  4. He got to the Superbowl and lost his helm-- oops, wrong thread.
  5. I'll bet: He tells a couple stories about Brett Favre, whom he calls "the greatest man who ever lived," (crowd laughs) "I'm just kidding, of course, he's not a man but a god." A couple of minutes about Mary Joe Beth's field hockey and mud wrestling record. Complains about the Latte he got in Buffalo and says, "You'd think with all the cows you got serving coffee 'round here, I could get a little more froth." <silence> Couple minutes of shadow puppets. Then takes questions from the crowd about how great he thinks Brett Favre will be this year.
  6. No way will it be worse than when Rob Johnson fell on the baseball and missed 8 weeks or when Drew Bledsoe just kept patting it waiting for Moulds.
  7. Vicks new nickname: <drumroll> "She hate me"
  8. When you're reduced to this as your sig: "It's not the size of the cardinal in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the cardinal .'' - Floridacard Its time to admit the awful truth.
  9. I'm with you. I was so young I dont remember anything about the game except them pulling giant nets up in the sky that caught a ball and everyone screaming so loud I just started screaming too. Thats a Bills fan for life, right there.
  10. This story gets me so angry I cant see straight. Goodbye,________, you were beautiful while you lasted.
  11. On the bright side, something like that can only happen to him one more time.
  12. How many times did he mention Brett Favre?
  13. MBD, you know I got your back. Treasure Island is the spot for you. It started more for kids but in the last couple years its gone Hard Rock so its the best for a little of both. They have a great pool and its next to the Fashion Show Mall for great window shopping (free!) the Mirage for the Tigers (free!) the Pavillion near Harrah's for live music and street shops (free!) and its reasonably cl;ose to THE BEST LIVE FREE SHOW IN HISTORY THE FOUNTAINS OF BELLAGIO. Go nuts.
  14. I dont know what Mrs. you're talking about but in Buffalo the Mrs know an awful lot about their Bills. Or do you think he should have used smaller words, too? Being a MAJOR degenerate gambler and drunk in one the nations largest and most competitive markets, I can tell you that article was crap.
  15. I'm not ashamed to admit I was hooked on phonics. You know-- came from a broken home, struggled with self-esteem. It started ok-- I would just read a sentence or two. Before I knew it I was spending all my time at the library; I would secretly read during my lunch breaks. All my coworkers knew but I was too blind to see. I quit cold turkey and it took weeks of puking and hallucinations, but i'm finally phonics-free. Kids, listen to me: stay away from phonics. Phonics are bad, mmmmkay?
  16. The only way for this guy to avoid some suspensions will be for him to start breaking records.
  17. He better not. I had a friend who went on the wall at the Ralph and security arrested him. He was like, "C'mon, have you tried to get in the restrooms? The lines out the door!"
  18. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050...?tbd1011511.asp Wow. Talk about an insightful article. Appears we have a new quarteback on the Bills, he's a rookie and he's fast. Not only that, but he's a lot different than Drew Bledsoe, whom the article claims is slow. WTF?! I was blown away by these revelations by crack cub-reporter Mark Gaughen. Great job, Mark. I cant wait for the follow up article on the color of the Bills helmets. I hear rumors they are red. He should know that TSW is the BEST pasture where dead horses get beaten.
  19. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/nfl/ Scroll to bottom.
  20. CNNSI has a poll asking: In the end, who will be the best QB of the class of 2004? At the time I viewed it over 56% said JP Losman... Rothlisfiggerwunderberger, ya know, the rookie who "accompanied" the Stillers to the playoffs? Yeah, well he was way behind. So what does this say? I think it says people in Buffalo have more internet access at work than people in Pittsburgh.
  21. JP will most certainly miss some hot reads his first season, but with his speed and quick decision-making we might actually get a scrambled-for first down instead of a sack/fumble/interception. If he is still missing his hot-reads after TWELVE seasons, send him to Dallas.
  22. hmmm. Well, if you cant stay anywhere in Vegas in June you might want to book a little something on the Sun.
  23. If only we had used that concept during the first Superbowl. Sniff. Damn you, Norwood.
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