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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. "Tops never stops, saving you more" man they got a lot of miles out of that.
  2. I'd like to buy a crate of those and plaster Norwood's house with them.
  3. ESPN.com's John Clayton reports: Travis Henry deal immenent! "Errr...Any day ...Um, after the draft ACTUALLY starts ...Well, I dont know what happened, Tom Donahoe must've screwed up the deal! Least I have the scoop on Munoz! He quit! ...Errr...probably...Um.."
  4. If you think thats funny...He weighs 10 lbs more than Parish! :smurf:
  5. DING! What do we have for him, Johnny?
  6. TD and MM both made a point to say we had some free agent signings coming soon. Wonder who they got in mind? Oh I hope its Ricky Williams. /sarcasm
  7. I hope this doesn't start a Losman/Woodbury controversy! DOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
  8. Genesseesis: ...And so Losmanaham departed to the land promised him; slaying the Bledites and Flutopians, smiting the cities of the plain: the Johnsonians, the Collinsites, the Hobertites (them which were known not to study a playbook)...
  9. I think THIS is FINALLY the season Josh Reed has a breakout year and proves he wasnt a total bust. ...lol. Not really.
  10. You could buy a circus monkey and teach him to scratch the dog for a peanut. HEEHEEHEE! Monkeys are funny!
  11. My own full name is Marshall Owen Dingbat Coochy crazyDingo Smith... but that would be silly, so I shorten it.
  12. Generation Ritalin. Thanks public schools.
  13. Wow, better than anything I woulda come up with.
  14. Well, as always, I think the real question here is: Do you think he would beat Drew Bledsoe in a footrace and would you watch it on Pay-Per-View?
  15. You know what? Me-first dont fly in Buffalo. Never has, never will. In a town where you gotta scrape together whatever you got, status is granted to the guys who roll up their sleeves and get to work. No fanfare, no glitter. Just get it done however you can. Can you imagine Jim Kelly moonwalking after a TD and flipping off Dolphins fans. Uh...no. Jimbo was a lunchbox-carrying roughneck who showboated by being tough and working hard. "If they pay me"=RJ
  16. I've always said the Dolphins have fresh-water fans.
  17. I'm totally for Ted Nugent. His halftime show will rock.
  18. Try watching this seasons games with your hands mostly covering your eyes. Leave a little room to peek out through your fingers in case we're not DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
  19. Someone should point out to Mr. McGahee what they do to a horse with a busted leg... Oh the irony.
  20. Now if we can just PLEASE shed the CURSE OF THE DUMBINO against New England in Prime Time. Dumbino=DB=RJ
  21. crazyDingo (Vegas): Willis, you sound selfish and small. You seem like a microcosm of everything ugly in pro sports. Hard workin folks in Buffalo have ZERO patience for me-first crap. We ship that stuff to Miami. Willis McGahee: Yo, least I got the right agent. What's a michlocronism?
  23. Panda's are actually members of the racoon family. Um, Racoonus Headed Bearus species, to be exact. (dont google that. just trust me.)
  24. Next time remember to use the OFF TOPIC ico-- Wait a minute. Wait just one minute...is this a football thread? Holy crow, I musta stumbled in here by accident. 'Scuze me.
  25. Tell them you've waited your whole life to be a jury foreman and you cant wait to lead the jury to the right verdict--even if they think the guy's innocent-- and you'd be willing to stay weeks in deliberation till they see how right you are. Boast how you can outlast anyone in a battle of wills.
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