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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Find out exactly what it would take to get your butt fired then back-off 10%. Easy money.
  2. Speakin of thrill rides, I guess the Falcons should be changing the Mike Vick Experience any day now...
  3. You can get the same results by having your personal trainer rub flaxseed oil in your eyes.
  4. Wish I could be a Sol'ja like The Chosen One. Only I wouldnt want to be stupid and hurt.
  5. He should ask Whitney Houston how she overcame her troubles... then do the opposite.
  6. EVERYDAY is No Pants Day for me.
  7. Wonder if he paints his fingernails before games? Being whacked upside the head or biting yourself kind of make sense since they acclimate you to pain...but prettying-up your toenails before gametime really IS psychotic behavior.
  8. I cant believe they said JP was like, "...Ron Mexico without the sores." Thats just wrong.
  9. I hope we bring in Tim Couch as our #3.
  10. I am so sick and tired of this racism against people from Poland in our society. BillsFanForever19, if you like Polish girls you go ahead and do 'em.
  11. I like Williams/Lindell/Parrish/Norwood/Williams NOBODY would expect that. Williams playing left and right tackle? Brilliant! Parrish at center? Makes zero sense. Brilliant! Mcnalley is just enough of a genius to pull this off.
  12. I wouldve jammed the severed finger up my nostril and yelled, "You want your finger, ya gotta catch me!"
  13. I think the biggest difference will be our offense not being run from a horizontal position.
  14. wwwWhat? YeeeAhuh! wwwWhat? YeeeahUH!
  15. Anyone else notice Tom Donahoe and Phil Donahue are never photographed together? COINCIDENCE?!
  16. I dont know why anyone thinks this tragedy is funny. If you look to the left of the giant, pink, hovering arrow you will see that the newseditor plainly stated the shrub is not to scale. It could really be monster shrubbery! Maybe it was shaped to look like a pony or something distracting, ever think of that?!
  17. I think they brought him in to help Lindell's kicking game.
  18. I used to believe my dad was in Waste Management. LOL. When him and Uncle Pauly would catch me sneaking down the basement stairs, dad would always try to hide the hacksaw behind his back and say, "Hey! We was just cleaning a deer your Uncle Pauly hit with his Cadillac." It wasnt till I was in college I found out you dont clean a deer by wrapping it in a carpet and throwing it in your trunk! Good times...
  19. I am so sick and tired of little girls harrassing helpless police officers in our society. If you think that joke's funny, then its obvious you've never been victimized by a sassy little girl. I just wish everyone was more SENSITIVE!
  20. Um, Travis has N-E-V-E-R been accused of having good sense. Never.
  21. ..."30 Miami Dolphins 30 Nick Saban will be a heck of a coach. It just won't show for two or three years. .." You see thats just what I was saying--it takes a few years but then, gosh, how happy you'll be. Promise. --Josh Reed
  22. Strictly speaking, by the MIDDLE of Winter the season IS over. Its like this--and, really, its the final word--would you rather live in Boston or near The Sundowner? Exactly.
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