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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Canadian women are superhot little dishes. I live in Vegas and see tons of beautiful women, I mean TONS, but I would live ( AND PLAY) in Toronto in a second. That city looks like a Benneton ad come to life. Highest per-capita knockouts.
  2. I like the sequence of 3 shots where they show her on her knees with her scrawney ribs poking out, then she eats the burger, then she sticks her finger down her throat. go watch it again:)
  3. Ya know the legend where Babe Ruth steps up to the plate with two strikes against him and points toward the bleachers and then actually hits a homerun? Yeah, this is like that, only smaller and of no importance. Who will be the NFL's MVP this season? If you are right you will be able to link to this post and proclaim your LEGENDARY PROGNOSTICATING ABILITY! I say it will be Lucky 21 Willis McPayMe, RB, Superbowl Champion BUFFALO BILLS! Call your shot. It doesnt have to be a Bill (traitor)...
  4. "go bills" that is super-iffic!
  5. AMACHURS! YOO'S GUYS R AMACHURS! Amaze your friends at parties with this: Take the year you were born add 180 to it multiply that by the first two numbers of your home address; if you live in an apartment, use the first 3 numbers of your unit #, unless you live in a one or two numbered unit (like unit 12) then you should use the first 3 digits of your telephone number divide that by 3.14 add the year you graduated; if you didnt graduate college, use the year you graduated high school; if you never graduated use the year you were first incarcerated multiply by 1.618 convert your first name into a number by using the a=1, b=2, c=3 method and add this to the original number multiply by 0 IT EQUALS ZERO! IS THAT CRAZY OR WHAT? I love that trick.
  6. I only wish he played for the Bills so I could use my cool nickname for him over and over when we slam him for being stupid: The Broken One. HAHAHA! Damn you Tom Donahoe for ruining my nickname scheme. You really ARE evil.
  7. Please allow me to interject that the truest reason, the reason that no matter what other ancillory reasons you may have, the root reason we can ALL agree is: Because its fun to talk smack.
  8. I want the Curse of Eleven gone as mush as anyone. Buffalo is about as snakebit as a town can get (we dont need to go through the list...) it isn't fair we should be saddled with another curse. Therefore I am going to use an Ancient Spell to forever remove the Curse of Eleven from the Bills. I didnt want to have to do this as it leaves me feeling drained and melencholy, but here goes: OOmpa! LOOmpa! Doopitty-Do! Here I go BREAK-ing this Cu-urse for you... What do you get when you miss a field-GOAL When its wide right and and barely whiffs by the POLE? Or when your quarterback is made of just WOOD, a safety-blitz on top of him and there he just STOOD? AND-lets-not-forget-OL' SURRFER BOOOYY! OOmpa! LOOmpa! Doopitty-Do! Now the Curse of E-lev-en is broken for you! whew. Hope thats works. GO PARRISH! GO BILLS! GO BUFFALO! GO JP! GO CHICKEN WINGS! GO 11!
  9. A three legged dog runs fine if you keep kicking it in the ass and yelling at it.
  10. I am so sick and tired of lions being harassed by midgets in our society. Its good to see those little people finally getting what they were asking for. Poor kitty. I just hope he isnt traumatized. In other news, I heard the troupe changes its name to the Cambodian Snackables.
  11. Doesn't the Constitution protect citizens from being sent back to Buffalo? <Ba-dump Bump!> Thanks. Be good to your waitress. I thought I went to prison once, turned out I was only in Buffalo. <Ba-dump Bump!> I'm here all week. Try the Veal.
  12. Gotta be Lance Armstrong winning all those Tour de France and never getting busted for the juice.
  13. the appeals court said any "incidental restriction" on the First Amendment is "no greater than is essential to the furtherance of the governmental interest in promoting public morality by prohibiting public nudity. When the Taliban was interested in promoting public morality, everyone bitched.
  14. Now THATS funny stuff.
  15. The Evil Spock from that parallel universe.
  16. Help me out with something here... I HATE the current uniforms. Hate them. I associate those idiotic Unitards (all-blue or all-white) with L-O-S-I-N-G. Nothing good has happened since we switched to those bastard-offspring of Carolina/Tennessee/UNC uniforms; with their idiotic blocks of baby blue and whatnot. Red, White and Blue. Simple. Beautiful. Classic. You can put them in any ratio or pattern you like but you shouldnt change the colors. But is Tom Donahoe right? Are they really great uniforms we are lucky to have; or are they crap to everyone who didnt get a vote? "But if they won a Superbowl in those uniforms you would love them" No. You can't polish a turd. We lost 4 (! )Superbowls in our last uniforms and I didnt come to hate them. So whats the dilly-yo? Is it me? Is it you? Is it them? Whats your take? Maybe if 1000 people say they suck someone over there at OBD will notice. Or if 1000 people say they like the current uni's I'll shut up and TD can come and hatchet murder me. He does that, ya know.
  17. Well, not to confuse anyone with a lot of medical jargon my advanced brain can process: Turf Toe (Turfus Toesis) is a term meaning you have a knack for growing things in a garden. It is closely related to Green Thumb but applies to one's feet. If left untreated in a talented dancer, it can lead to Twinkle Toes. Class dismissed.
  18. I'm gonna go on a limb here and say it will be the best its been since the 1922 season when Gumford "Brassbottom" O'Reilly scored a whopping 4 times for the defense in the classic "Barnstormer" Bowl in which the Buffalo Teamsters beat the Chicago Cardinals at old Matthews Field.
  19. Mr. Donahoe, Um. Sir... Nobody really wants to replace you as GM. Please dont drink our blood.
  20. The most important thing at that level is to properly break their spirit. Humiliation of the fat kid in front of whatever girls happen to be around is a good start. Also, if anyone quits, make sure you rag on that loser, momma's-boy until everyone else on the team understands quitters get punked all season, even if they're not on the team anymore. The other kids'll be petrified of quitting. THEN THEY'RE YOURS! ...And rubber hose beatings rarely leave marks.
  21. They should move to California and be called the Los Angeles Saints of New Orleans and the Great Southwestern Basin. Go LASNOGSB's!
  22. Yeah. And what about "PYT-Pretty Young Thing". :puke:
  23. Think outside the box! Move to Toronto which is clean, buzzing, modern, with a killer nitelife and TONS of beautiful women. You could commute to Rochester on that fancy, ultra-modern ferry I heard they just built. Must be up and running by now, right?
  24. Try reading a different section of the newspaper. There are probably tons of great coupons.
  25. ATTENTION! YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! No one gives a crap about your high school diploma unless you're stuck in the fast food industry. THANK YOU. THAT IS ALL.
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