Dan Snyder is totally a better owner than Ralph. Just look at the talent hes assembled by not overpaying for hyper-marquee names past their primes like, say, Bruce Smith or Deon Sanders or Joe Gibbs !
He's the kind of guy who wouldnt interfere with a QB decision like the Rob Johnson / Doug Flutie thing (as illustrated by his rock-steady faith in whoever their QB is this week.) How many QB's have they even had since he took control? A dozen, probably less.
I mean, c'mon, he recognized the talented mind of Gregg Williams and POUNCED! Did we ever do that? NO. We never even knew Gregg Williams had talent, much less offer him a job. Missed the boat on him, too.
If Dan Snyder owned the Bills every fan in Buffalo would not only get a great weekend getaway to LA to see their team, but ALL their home games would be televised in Buffalo!
Ralph doesnt know the first thing about GM's and before the Tom Donahoe mess he struck out on a guy named Bill Polian who ended up flipping burgers someplace in the Midwest!
If you took all those winning seasons the Bills have had and divided them by 2 we would only have HALF! Do you think Ralph-I-AM-SO-LAZY-I-WONT-MOVE-THIS-TEAM-EVEN-AFTER-40-YEARS-Wilson even cares about that?
I wish Dan Snyder owned me personally. There, I said it. I would be his slave, okay? Happy?