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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. " Pakistan said on Saturday it was summoning the United States ambassador to protest against an air strike that killed civilians in a village where U.S. intelligence officials suspected Al-Qaida's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri was visiting. An AP reporter who visited the scene about 12 hours after what villagers said was an airstrike saw three destroyed houses, hundreds of yards apart. Villagers, who denied any links to the Taliban or al-Qaida militants, had buried at least 15 people, including women and children, and were digging for more bodies in the rubble. There were no security forces in the area." http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/670174.html USA! USA! Way to go, robot!
  2. I thought the biggest mistake was the double-reverse flea-flicker QB sneak. But, hey, the game has passed me by.
  3. If Drew had been behind this O-line we would still be scraping little pieces of him off the turf. ...Little wooden pieces.
  4. Better him than his brother Mo. HAHAHAHAHA!
  5. I've put his book through my computer software using an algorythm that pick the first letter of each paragraph that deals with coaching and I've done it! THE LEVY CODE! B. R. U. C. E. S. M. I. T. H. Coincidence? We'll see...
  6. Guess again. Marty Schottenheimer--HC No! Wait! Dick Vermeil--HC Yeah, that one's good... No! Herm Edwards (from KC for our 3rd rounder)--HC No, too crazy. Joe Schmuckitelli, ass't podium handler for the Houston Oilers--HC Works cheap.
  7. The state of the Bills is New York. Sheesh.
  8. I'm really hoping this season we can go with the throwback podiums. Now those were some great podiums.
  9. ALRIGHT, I give up. If Marv offers me 5 million per season I will accept Ralph's offer to become assistant podium coach with the option of becoming the GM when I'm 80. I just hope you people will leave my family alone. My canary, Prescious, has a weak tummy and she couldnt take the critcism you vile WNYers spew out. You hear me, Sullivan? You leave my bird alone!
  10. If he's not cheap why hasnt he ever refurbished the podium? Think about it!
  11. DAN REEVES WOULD MAKE ME A SEASON TICKET HOLDER AND I LIVE ACROSS COUNTRY! Oh Danny Boy, The Bills, the Bills are call-all-ing. sing it with me.
  12. Marty would easily be the best coach we've had since Wade...and prolly the best since Marv. GIT ER DONE, MARVELOUS
  13. I dont know how the last podium did it, what with someone always looking over his shoulder.
  14. I wonder what the Mularkey and the Bills' record would've been if Buffalo had blown off the map? Probably worse that 3-13. ...and they did beat us.
  15. Excuse me, but I didnt vote for the monkey in the first poll just so you could give him his walking papers after a few weeks. Just look at how Josh Reed and Chris Kelsey have blossomed.
  16. Paul McGuire. "You folks wanna talk about coaching? BAM! Right there...Well, it wasnt on that replay...Shut up, Joe."
  17. "We aint partners; we aint brothers and we aint friends and if Gans gets away with my money you'll be sorry you ever met me." "I'm already sorry." <punch>
  18. The best coach we ran out of town was Wade Phillips. If we mourn anyone let it be him.
  19. Good thing we avoided a QB contraversy by losing every week. Whew!
  20. now hear me out... What if we brought in Troy Aikman as our QB and direct-snap it to Roscoe on every play? Its so crazy IT JUST MIGHT WORK!
  21. Maybe we could trade him for a player we could use on, say, third down, or goal line--something like a 300 lb former long-snapper with "soft hands" who understants the ol' flea-flicker? Ya know, someone more our style of smashmouth.
  22. A low-level hack looking to spruce up his resume might.
  23. "The one thing I would interject into the personnel department that I would push very hard is picking players with high character," Levy added. "Don't confuse personality with character. Ability without character will lose. The Buffalo Bills are going to be a team of high character, that's something I will push for very hard."'
  24. "You folks wanna see a kitten die? RIGHTTHERE! I'm tellin you, Joe, that kitten wont be climbin' many trees."--Paul Mcguire
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