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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. What's the big deal? Its only a new Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, Offensive Line including Center, New QB rotation, new playbook, new Conditioning Coach, new General Manager. The uniforms are the same. The owner's the same. Bobby April came back. What the hell? Smoke another doobie and relax Willis. Its offseason and you won 5 games last year. Or was it four? or...six. Something. Dick Jauron sounds beaten and minicamp hasn't even started.
  2. Whatever. You all think you know the area but not one of you-- NOT ONE! Has mentioned seeing the statue of Nikola Tesla in the State Park next to the Niagara Falls. DONT ANY OF YOU CARE ABOUT THE GREATEST MIND OF THE EARLY 1900's?! and, hey, all you Thomas Edison lovers can bite me.
  3. I have a dream that some day little Bills fans and little Dolphins fans will hold hands and we will judge a team, not on the color of their helmets, but on the character of their roster... I actually did have a dreaam recently that the Cowboys destroyed the Colts in this year's Superbowl but that Drew was watching from the sideline for some reason... I also had this dream I was smoking this giant cigar...
  4. A-TRAIN! TOOT! TOOT! Everybody on the A-TRAIN! My prediction is Willis suffers some kind of injury and A-TRAIN rushes for 1,003 yards and 8 touchdowns while only fumbling 4 times at crucial game-losing moments. Then a bitter controversy starts on the Wall when Willis holds out for a bigger contract and half the people are like, "Willis sucks! He hasnt done ANYTHING!" and others are like A-TRAIN is barely good enough HE CANT BE our #1" Then a few others are like, "We should bring back Travis Henry!" and its like, "HENRY?! STFU!" and then they're like, "Why cant people on this board all just love each other and respect their opinions?" and everyone's like,"Shut up, loser, go back to your Sabres board." then he's like, "I dont even watch hockey, I'm from New Mexico." and everyone's like "Well, go screw a coyote or something." I've seen it a million times...
  5. Does anyone know Willis' 40 time? Since his injury? Seriously.
  6. Doug Flutie. <duck!> seriously, OJ. He was killer. DOH! No, it was
  7. Nall goes 0-3 Pressure mounts and Jauron swaps him out for Holcomb who goes 2-2 before getting injured. jp gets the nod and goes 1-3 before jauron decides the future really is with Nall. Nall goes 2-3. Somewhere Mularkey laughs and Tom Donahoe eats a baby's heart.
  8. I saw the Jills page and just assumed they packaged Mike Williams to the Rheine Fire for some fat cheerleaders and Bratwurst? So where's the Bratwurst?
  9. I think the last couple times Willis was on TV he was high. If you are able to investigate this by making him paranoid or laugh uncontrollably, I would appreciate a post. BTW, whats his 40 time? Anyone know? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
  10. Well, smarty, for your information ALL my posts fall under that category.
  11. Wow. I was thinking that this morning after my daily 20-mile run and kickboxing training against 3 alligators. JP did look good during that game, he had a confidence and swagger I liked. Sure, it was against the worst team in the league, but it was promising. Mike Mularkey, you suck.
  12. Van Pelt. Doug Flutie/Rob Johnson on the same spot. DREW!!!!!! The Podium. Tom Donahoe (even though he would trade his spot for a tiny receiver and a high-motor white guy) Marv Levy as GM Migty Taco Thats all...
  13. Doug Flutie was the greatest drop-kicker of our era.
  14. Its me with 2 hot co-eds and a bottle of baby oil. DINGO'S GONE WILD!
  15. OH SNAP! Best of the lot so far! I was going to make a Ron Mexico joke and somehow tie it in geographically with Southern California, ya know, Dennis Miller-style--but when you hear a winner you just step back and admire it.
  16. Well, I heard Tampa Bay traded Mike Williams to Dallas for Eric Moulds and whatever pieces of Drew Bledsoe they could dig out of the turf. V-COACH RULES!
  17. If you do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell him of the "Curse of 11" that hangs like a sickly cloud over the Bills. PLEASE. I tried last season when he was drafted to warn him but he didnt heed that advice and ended up breaking his wrist. Norwood. Johnson. Bledsoe... Parrish. Before the Curse descends on him again this season in the form of a broken collarbone, torn ACL, dropped touchdown pass in a playoff game, IRS audit, whatever. DROP THAT NUMBER LIKE A CHEATIN SPOUSE OR YOU WILL HURT US ALL! There. You've been warned. (Again.)
  18. I think LA should get all the NFL teams just by renaming them "The Los Angeles <Team Name> of <City Name>" There. Problem solved and I didnt even have to go back in time to murder Sarah Conner.
  19. I think if the Felons can pick up the Younger Vick, Lawrence Phillips and Rae Carruth they will have a killer backfield. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  20. WAIT! WAIT! WHAT IF... Every city in the world had a football team! Then it would be the Planetary Football League and we could incorporate every sport into it so we didnt dilute the talent pool--then! Then! Then we have a 20 year playoff schedule where every team makes the playoffs and wins the championship and we all speak Chinese and live at the bottom of the ocean? YES! YES! I'm STOKED!
  21. Didnt we trade Mike Williams to the Jags for Rob Johnson? ZIIIING!
  22. Blast you, Dev, blast you to HELL! Why couldnt I have thought of that? Was my Dad right? AM I a loser?
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh. Like the anime cartoon. Now if we could only draft Sailor Moon for the Jills squad.
  24. My question is: What do we do with all these players we drafted for the Tampa-style defense after we run Jauron out of town?
  25. I once saw Willis drink a Forty in 4.16 seconds. He then let out this monster burp and rolled this SICK fatty with one hand.
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