When you barely lose some of your games, there's hope.
How far have we fallen? WOE! Damn you, Norwood! Damn you, Bledsoe and Homerun Throwback and Tom Donahoe and Bethlahem Steel! AAAAAHHHH!
I think they traded him to Cleveland to team him up with The Chosen One. They should hire Gary Busey as a coach--
Oh-- a HEAD coach (Get it?)
Give them a CRASH course in safety (I'm on a role--Lookout!)
Peter King didnt make ONE reference to TD eating a baby. NOT ONE! The people of Western New York should have slayed the Dark One while they had the chance. Now he roams the lands free and no child or team is safe.
Woe Unto Thee, Peter King, for your worship of the Darkness hast blinded thee.
From Peter King:
"Last chance, probably, to see Brett Favre in shorts ..."
C'mon, JP, you know you want to!
I used to love it when he would smack that little bald guy on his head and then those sexy English girls would come out and excercise or stretch and at the end of every show a whole group of people would chase him around while they played his theme music.
wait.. Bennie WHO?
Weed is cool in Canada and so are full-contact lap dances. Its illegal for the police to search you and ya know what they put on french fries?
"Get the fu** outta here!"
Its true. And ya know what they call the quarter pounder?
The Royale. Brad, ya know why they call the quarter pounder a Royale in Canada?
"Uhhh...the Metric System?"
Check out the brain on Brad!
(ok, maybe I got Canada mixed up with Amsterdam but its only because Canadian chics are hotter. Now I'm gonna go walk the Earth like Cain. Its a Fu**ing Miracle!)
This nonsense can be ended by simply bringing back the
What a story! What a chance for redemption! Sit Willis behind The Juice for a season until he gets that KILLER INSTINCT!
"O.J. CUTS left! He SLICES through the line! He's MURDERING this Defense!"