The Curse of #11 precedes the Curse of the Juice. And...
"...(President) McKinley was shot twice by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at 4:07 p.m. on September 6, 1901, at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
The newly-developed X-ray machine was displayed at the fair, but no one thought to use it on McKinley to search for the bullet, which might have saved his life. Also, ironically, the operating room at the exposition's emergency hospital did not have any electric lighting, even though the exteriors of many of the buildings at the extravagant exposition were covered with thousands of light bulbs. Doctors used a pan to reflect sunlight onto the operating table as they treated McKinley's wounds.
McKinley's doctors believed he would recover, and the President convalesced for more than a week at the home of the exposition's director. But McKinley eventually went into shock. He died from his wounds at 2:15 a.m. on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo. He was buried in Canton, Ohio. Czolgosz was later found guilty of murder and electrocuted."
Lets just say the Curse of McKinley has preceeded all of our misfortune and may be the very ROOT of all the misery (the lost Super Bowls, The NO-GOAL, Bethlahem Steel, losing the NBA franchise, ugly cheerleaders, Rob Johnson, Tom Donahoe, WGR--oh, the misery!) in Western New York for the last century.
PLEASE--IF YOU CAN-- on September 14 light a white candle and say a prayer for the wandering ghost of President McKinley. Maybe if we can lead his spirit to the light we will finally win a Super Bowl.