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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Well, maybe they held out the hope that McCargo would become the 3rd best defensive lineman on THIS team, someday, eventually. A team can dream, can't they?
  2. In all the utter crap we have witnessed lately, we may have glossed over the fragility of our starting QB, Mr. Bent Sidewards. (Yes, I just made that name up because it sounds like Trent Edwards and I can't stop the Creative Flow--I'm in BEAST MODE!). Did we draft ANOTHER California QB with: 1. Staying-healthy issues 2. a fear of WNY weather 3. the wrong attitude RJ=JP=TE? Perfect. It just leaves me shaking my head. This team is SOFT. Bring 'em indoors before they get the sniffles, Dick.
  3. LOL! That cracked me up.
  4. JP tried to throw his shoe at the President but panicked and dumped it off to a reporter.
  5. We have three more years to vote him into the cellar. Feel better?
  6. Haven't we done enough to the poor Native Americans?
  7. Behold, the Prophecy: The Chroise Cometh.
  8. That was part of our experimental "Alleycat" formation. The ball was supposed to one-hop to Marshawn so he could run into a pile of bodies.
  9. We wont be interested in him until he is 80, but then we will get a really mediocre GM.
  10. Blame the fricken Mexicans.
  11. Well, I think going from 5-1 to 6-10 would qualify as a miracle. Like raining frogs or rivers turning to blood. Wait--not miracle..."plague" is what I meant.
  12. Dick doesn't have a philosophy; he has a slogan: "Its hard to win in the NFL"
  13. Well, on the Bright Side: the home crowd didn't boo the Bills off the field.
  14. 7 year old boys play football all year long in the Northeast of the country. They play hockey. They walk to school then go outside and play all year. Getting acclimated to the environment you will be playing in seems like pretty good sense to me. As for injuries, well, some guys shoot themselves in the leg in Nightclubs. Can't be avoided.
  15. Lots of good coaches are emotionless. We have one who is CLUEless.
  16. Wait, I don't get it... So...we cheat? I'm lost.
  17. The Bills are already sitting with the fans. ...In January.
  18. Gosh, I would love to see a Jauron Circus Show. What we get is more like a Funeral in the Rain.
  19. DING! You are correct. Pick a prize on the middle shelf between the Kewpie dolls and chewing gum. In the modern NFL it is very possible to go from Zeroes to Heroes with the right mix. A mix we dont have the recipe to, but still...
  20. Wanna know why we love him? Poise. He is just unshakable in the pocket and makes good decisions. I really think we have finally found Jim Kelly's replacement. --signed, Everyone in Buffalo Media 10/08
  21. I've said it a million times: We hire a new coach. The next year we fire either the offensive or defensive coordinator. The year after that, we fire the other coordinator. The 3rd year we fire the Head Coach. This fits perfectly into the contract extension, so prepare this offseason for Scapegoat #1 to get the ax. G'bye Turk, we hardly knew ye. Step up to the plate, Fewell, you're next.
  22. Wasn't Clinton the one who got the job?
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