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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. Um, I can pick anyone? Okay. I'll take the either the tallest or shortest WR/DB available and I would like to trade my second rounder to get him, please. No, wait... is the 4th best DL on North Carolina's team available? I cant decide. Maybe a stud running back to compete with Marshawn, Freddie and Oman? I wish I had an Inner Circle or precocious daughter to help me.
  2. I would much rather have a really well-mannered, high character guy like Poz racking up those tackles 8 yards down field than a scurrilous cad rudely interrupting a running backs groove. And we have TONS of high-character guys. Just fricken TONS of them.
  3. There wasnt a single penalty called on the press conference podium last season, either.
  4. 90 and VERY optimistic. --Ralph
  5. Did someone just say Shanahan is coming to coach the Bills? Hey, everyone, Shanahan is coming to coach the Bills!
  6. He has experience and engineered a historic season. He has ties to Detroit. He doesn't like long hours. This guy is perfect. HIRE MATT MILLEN. com
  7. I think its a great idea. People from California ALWAYS work out well for us.
  8. like to hang myself with piano wire and burn down the stadium. You've made another holiday season forgettable, Bills. Yippee.
  9. Well, I think that about covers everyone we could blame for the Bills sucking: the players, the coaches, the fans, the owner, his family, bad drafts, bad luck and God. Wait till next year!
  10. What's the best way to lose a testicle: Alligator attack, Pitbull attack, Squirrel attack or Butterfly attack. Personally, I think losing it to a swarm of Butterflies would be beautiful and what a story you would have!
  11. Don't feel bad for JP. Like everyone who departs the Bills he will come back to Buffalo in a season or two to kick our ass on National Television and then will probably get a Super Bowl ring as a backup QB.
  12. Finally, some help for this team!
  13. Well, he did go to Yale. Practicing outside is a pretty brilliant idea when your games are played outside. Too bad he didnt go to Harvard or he might've come up with that little idea in September...
  14. I like this one: "Buffalo Bills football practice was delayed nearly two hours late this morning after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the playing field. Head coach Dick Jauron immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance, unknown to the players, was snow. Practice was resumed this afternoon in the cozy indoor Field House after special agents coaxed Roscoe Parish and Trent Edwards using hot cocoa."
  15. If Peters said he feels like he didn't get back to Probowl form for the first 6 weeks (5-1 w/l) "Asked what point in the season he thought he had regained his Pro Bowl form of 2007, Peters said, “I’d say week five or six..." but then got his legs the last 8 weeks (1-7 w/l) does that mean we need to bench him?
  16. You know how good The Lord Of Darkness, Tom Effing Donahoe is? He is unemployed. I'm sure its only so he and Mort can spend Sundays on their hair, but still, the freaking LIONS haven't even hired him. TD=RJ=DB=JP=TE
  17. Trent loves Dick to death. Of course, he lives with his sister, too, so...
  18. The Chroise in the Promised Land. Sweet.
  19. Our coach is a high motor guy with good community relations (In Miami, New York and Boston) who deserves 3 more years. Trent just loves him to death. C'mon, guys, you know its "hard to win in the NFL"; I say without him going down with the ship we would have zero wins and 19 losses.
  20. Every time I read something about this SOFT team I feel more alienated from them. I am SO glad you love your coach. Go give Dick a kiss.
  21. You will notice that the station is empty because everyone else boarded the Fire Jauron Express 8 weeks ago. http://www.firejauron.com/
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