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Everything posted by crazyDingo

  1. ...and if the next 2 weeks DONT kill you, the following 16 might.
  2. Maybinot. He's quick, like a paper airplane, and you should see him celebrate (You will have to catch it during the preseason, but still...)
  3. "Try here. Stop." "What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?" "Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening now." "What happened to then?" "We passed then." "When?" "Just now. We're at now now." "Go back to then." "When?" "Now." "Now?" "Now." "I can't." "Why?" "We missed it." "When?" "Just now."
  4. Well, since they couldn't do EITHER last season, I'll take it.
  5. I read his article. It was on the internet. I read it because it was on the internet. I like to read. It is fun. The End.
  6. I refuse to be labeled + or - just because I like to wear fancy shoes and walk a certain way. Don't hate!
  7. My imagination stretches that far.
  8. They're wheeled in on gurneys.
  9. Tell it to Aaron Rogers.
  10. Something like that happens to every team from time to time, I guess. Rookie salary cap makes sense.
  11. I thought they fired Skelator?
  12. Let's see, the population of Toronto is over 5 million...and, a sucker is born every minute, so...(carry the one)... Hmmm, mathematically this game should have sold out.
  13. Sleepers: Bills fans, lately.
  14. ".....an intuitive feeling I have about the kid....." Guess he sees something intangible he likes in Levi. Would be nice to stumble upon some good luck for once.
  15. I'm FIRED!
  16. The sack leader will be... The Home crowd with 55,000 (on their heads) Ahahahaha. That was too true to be funny.
  17. No, because he always checks down to a burp.
  18. We are comparing rotten apples to orange peels.
  19. Wait a minute, Marty... If Trent was Ferragamo and was pulled last season in place of Fitz/Matheson, then this season SHOULD HAVE been the drafting of our next star QB! Great Scott! The crappiness of this team has distorted the space-time continuum!
  20. I lost track of which of our horrible QB's come from Los Gatos: JP, RJ, Cap'n C? Its all one big California Crapfest.
  21. His best asset is that he is not TrINT. If he gives one crap about the team, his position, his performance or the city he will be an improvement. Cap'n Checkdown is very hard to root for and not a likable player.
  22. I want a QB that can PASS.
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