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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Now you're just here posting idiocy. I am sorry to others for trying to engage with you at all. What other conspiracies do you believe, besides that the scientific community is lying about the vaccine's effectivenes? Scientists are also lying about antibiotics. You can google it. Stop taking them.
  2. It's two numbers plucked from among thousands. Go ahead and do California: I dare you. You didn't because it doesn't fit your preconceived notion. Show me the "study." You don't get it. Ah there it is: good show of objectivity. Doing your stupid unscientific way, look at California. Then do Florida. Then do North Carolina. Then New Jersey. Then do USA. Then factor in for climate, Delta, age (critical, see Gary's post), boosters. Uh oh it's starting to sound like actual work and science! You better go back to soundbyte: Fauci something something, masks anger anger.
  3. Not sure what you quantify as "very rarely" exactly but yes. I think there's some region now reporting in this way. I just saw this come up...but I don't remember where. This doesn't mean Covid is less of a killer. Again, deaths are WAY up for a reason.
  4. Vaccines appear to slow transmission (especially in the short term post injection) as compared to no-vax infection but I know that's not your point. Oy vey. First, you're not talking science, you're talking a single statistic. If most of the people in EC in the hospital are vaccinated, it could be for any number of reasons, the most likely being...wait for it... that the most vulnerable people are hopefully mostly vaccinated! So of course they would be overrepresented in the hospital. Negative. The empirical proof is in many studies already cited. Did your Worldometers-based study take into account tests done, ages, seasonality, and perhaps...I don't know, the Delta variant transmissibility being twice previous variants? This isn't science talk. This is just shooting the ***** because you already have an opinion in hand. It's actually kind of funny because some liberal places are starting to realize that going the opposite direction is the right way to go. Erie County almost elected a commie as mayor though, so I guess this should not surprise.
  5. Not sure why you tagged me. What is your point? Vaccines don’t work? There are about 100 links to actual science, not whatever you’re peddling, to the contrary in this thread.
  6. We made a positive impact for two posts @leh-nerd skin-erd. Maybe for Christmas we try for 3 posts.
  7. You made a mistake. Here are several of my Florida takes: "I wonder if the situation in Florida will expand northwards as the fall comes. The vax rate in Florida in particular is not that much worse than many states with lower case counts. " "You missed my point on Florida. I assume it’s no different there than it will be everywhere on cases and deaths and agree with DeSantis’s approach completely." "Lest my posts about Florida be misconstrued, I suspect it’s just a matter of time before the higher vaccinated states see the same thing. 30-40% unvaccinated is still a lot of vulnerable humans in the more vaccinated states." ".I don't think Florida lied when their cases were low. I don't think they are lying now that they are setting records. Likewise I don't believe NY was lying either, though the one set of numbers that could be all screwed up is in the March-May data for 2020. "
  8. Just one week people! We can do it. Let TBD go low, we go high.
  9. http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/phcommon/public/media/mediapubhpdetail.cfm?prid=3501 "Unvaccinated people are 7 times more likely to get infected with COVID-19 and 44 times more likely to be hospitalized than vaccinated people." More great vaccine news. Thankfully cases are a strange measure at this point. Here's Gibraltar cases vs deaths.
  10. Guess you're not on board with try to be positive and thankful this week? One week, that's all PPP. Then we can go back to darkness.
  11. How about just for fun no partisan darkness and cynicism. Enjoy the Thanksgiving week and let TBD be the mess it will be this week. Any takers? @Irv can you be thankful for a week? I'll start: I am thankful to be part of the Buffalo community, even as an ex-Pat.
  12. Guess what the vaccines also protect against (no not Jonathan Taylor, and not the first place Patriots), but long COVID. Nice. https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-828/ How about we flip the script and make PPP the good news part of TBD this week?
  13. I can trump that. My kid is at an Ivy. One year remote. This year masked with a million rules. Tuition break? Nah. They won’t get any donations from me ever. And though she loves the learning and her professors, she has zero school loyalty building at all, which is a bummer. This will just be a transactional four years I think. I will give them money. They will give my kid a top notch knowledge base. She will get the As and then head to some grad school. But she isn’t going to have any misty eyed returns to campus.
  14. More on this mentioned several times here arguing vax effectiveness with anti vax apologists: She puts it better than me. Tracking Covid in the nose (viral load) makes no sense. Similarly tracking Covid hospitalization for Covid in the nose makes no sense as a pandemic measure (though it’s better than cases).
  15. The 2021 Bengals and Chargers would like a word.
  16. I made a broad generalization that if kids were dying like the elderly, our attitude would be different to vaccination. Nothing you said addressed that hypothetical. Everyone has the choice on vaccination. Everyone has a choice to be a shut in and never come out again. I’d suggest that your mental health would be better if you went to church and interacted with people in person, whether you’re vaccinated or not. That’s way more important than Covid spread. That is opinion, based on a lot of Covid data by the way. And I’d doubly suggest, based on those pesky science-y charts that you don’t like, that getting vaccinated is a very low risk and high reward proposition. I go to everything. I mask only when asked. I am anti mandate. And I think people who do not have a particular complication should get vaccinated.
  17. If Covid was killing kids but not adults like it’s killing elderly, EVERYONE would be rushing to get vaccines and boosters, and triple masked without question. We don’t give two ***** about the elderly though. “Let them get vaccinated but I don’t need to play any other role helping to keep them safe.”
  18. Sigh. More incomplete words from the CDC. Data shows pretty clearly that transmission risk falls off faster for vaxxed people. So actually she's wrong, but as usual, erring on the side of being overly cautious. Sure. Natural immunity is awesome. But you have to live through Covid and spread covid longer to get it. Not ideal.
  19. What dynamic? You get vaccinated and so far, that is the best thing you can do to protect yourself AND stop the spread. If you need a booster, get boosted. It's not that hard to understand. As more meds and vaccines come out, maybe there will be more ways to address this. It's a pandemic--not like we have a lot of data points to accurately predict the end points. But we know what helps. Absurd. Vaccinations minimize all of these things, but especially the later two. When he gets vaccinated. When we're not in a pandemic anymore. When we have better treatments. So far only the first one is in his hands. His employer let him make his decision. He made the ten-day decision. For the Bills, Brown and Star probably made the same decision, and likely Beasley too.
  20. More worried about Star being out but Brown being out is a problem for sure.
  21. Brown I expect to be out. Big problem against Taylor that Star is likely out as well.
  22. Thank you and no: I've mentioned several times how bad the school mandates are (just the worst) and that the mandates are terrible in general. I say that a lot in this thread. For you and anyone. Get vaccinated, get boosted.
  23. More data showing that vaccine effectiveness wanes for older and at risk, as we've been seeing for months now (*not for most people). Less so but a little waning for younger folk. Boosters jam protection through the roof and at least initially appear longer lasting for the data we have so far. Always nice when an administration respects the rule of law!
  24. AB is not the brightest bulb. But you quoting a story where the only source is his former live-in chef who claims is owed 10K indicates some dimness too.
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