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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. You are such a dolt. Your level of antibody is a limited measure regarding your ability to fight off infection. Stop thinking you know something. I haven't been stopped from doing anything that I wanted to do since early 2021, and that thing was the f-ing Bills blocking me from sitting in my seats for the playoffs.
  2. Wait what? Delta wasn't spreading before September? VA, TX, and lots of other states and countries are tracking these numbers. See the Google machine. And there have been many studies. I know you don't like the science-y stuff but they all tell the same story: Vaccine works vs Delta. Sorry to report that to you. I love how Erie County NY is your data point to prove vaccines don't work, despite the mountain of evidence, statistically and scientifically, showing the opposite. Keep up the masterful exhibition.
  3. It's hard to even have this conversation with you. (1) There is no accepted measure of what an "immune" antibody level means. So that's not a thing. (2) The level of antibodies wanes at different rates in different people so that waning is also not uniform. (3) Measuring antibody levels is a stupid way to determine how well you will fight off the disease. Antibody waning is expected and should happen. The body makes antibodies when needed--it doesn't keep them on hand for all time. (4) Stop trying to be the scientist that you're not. Was the flu shot part of the police state too? Grow up. Get vaccinated. Get on with your life.
  4. Holy Christ are you dumb. No one said you couldn't measure antibodies. THERE. IS. NO. STANDARD. FOR. WHAT. AMOUNT. OF. ANTIBODIES. WOULD. CONSTITUTE. EFFECTIVE. IMMUNITY. And also no standard for how fast antibodies wane.
  5. You are TOTALLY ######ed. [Funny the censor doesn't like that word. Assume it's similar to retread but not quite.] When you typed: You were responding to my post that was talking to plenzmd, who was asking about vax vs unvax data. I already said there is no data regarding antibody counts being used as a measure of immunity. That was your idea and the fact that there is no measure is proof that your "idea" is further ######ed. You might be the least intelligent poster here, and there's a low bar.
  6. You want me to show you data on cases/hospitalizations vaccinated vs not? Try this Or this Or if those are too hard, go here.
  7. We aren’t donating to HIM. We are turning something negative into a positive by supporting a charity associated with him. We can’t do that in every instance but sometimes one catches the imagination and people care enough to support a good cause. Also, don’t be a douche.
  8. Flight ban to Africa looking even dumber.
  9. Keep up with the conversation. He's asking about tracking cases in vaccinated vs unvaccinated. I swear talking to you is like talking to a 3rd grader. You're so dense. The above proves the point. There is no STANDARD you ninny. That doesn't mean it can't be measured. I apologize to the 3rd graders. Maybe you're like a pre-reader.
  10. Link me to where I said antibody levels couldn’t be measured. I take back thinking you were making progress. Lots of places are tracking the metric you’re after. It’s not hidden. You are a conspiracy guy but there’s no conspiracy. Just google it. Speaking of Google, have you posted the year vs year stats for cases and hospitalizations for the US yet? I must have missed it if you did. Or did that not fit your narrative?
  11. You are now admitting that you proposed a metric for which there is no standard. You’re making progress.
  12. Lots of places attempt to track that but it’s not easy. If I get a positive PCR test from CVS, they don’t know my vaccination status but I still count as a positive case.
  13. The AMOUNT of antibodies required by anyone to prevent infection is not known, though Dr Timmy states it should be our measure. The effectiveness of the vaccine is not measured by antibody amounts. It’s measured comparing placebo vs vaxxed patient outcomes.
  14. Demonstrating your illogic to you hurts eh?
  15. Says the guy who says we should allow people to skip vaccines based on a test not readily available that measures a number no scientist can identify, a number that wanes at a rate no scientist can definitively measure. Mmkay.
  16. Hahaha. You’re a clown. Like Trump’s bleach / UV light ideas. Don’t change Timmy.
  17. Are you kidding? Trump took endless credit for shutting down travel and saving "millions" of lives. Oh OK, so your point, amusing as it is, is that stopping people from arriving into the US is going to make a big difference when the virus is already circulating? This has been proven untrue how many times already in this pandemic? But OK, if that's what you want to go with. Travel ban: Stupid then, stupid now. Bad for the economy and like pissing on the spark plug:
  18. Reps are doing the same thing. It was OK to shutdown last year. This year it's not OK. Suit up in your partisan uniform, no matter how stupid.
  19. So you're for shutting down internally then to reduce transmission? That's stupid.
  20. You're the one who said we should be doing it. What are the numbers that indicate my levels are high enough and how do they wane? You're still on the clock Timmy. You're the one who suggested this simple idea. Clearly it's well documented in the science.* *I know you're not a big believer in science but I am not sure what word to use here.
  21. Not sure he's racist but they both appear to be pretty dumb. Biden is dumber on this because he's got more lessons by now.
  22. I would hope rational people now recognize the travel bans are useless unless you plan on going the China/New Zealand route. Trump had a first hand exposure to Covid weeks after our shutdown. Once something this contagious is here, it's here. Stopping some cases coming in on planes is putting your pinky in the crumbling Hoover Dam.
  23. People here and Trump claimed the border lockdowns saved millions of lives last year. Are we now against border lockdowns? It's hard to keep track.
  24. If it is, it's sponsored by the Republicans. Anything the Dems do to shut down anything will totally work against them.
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