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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Many more games to go, but I feel like the Bills are on a playoff collision course at Baltimore. That would be a tough game.
  2. He also said that he plays better when he's angry. The follow-up question was "Were you angry coming into today's game?" He then realized how stupid he sounded and made some remark about whether the press was being his therapist. He looked terrible again. He was the guy I wanted going into that draft but boy was I wrong. So happy to have Josh in every way.
  3. They don't but they are objective and I didn't pick out anything but season-to-date stats for guys who have played every game so far.
  4. Josh Allen--I love the kid. But a bunch of people here are spinning tales about how Mahomes is falling apart. The team defense sure is, and his line sucks, but he's still the class of the NFL.
  5. 64% completion, 273 yards per game, 7 TDs and 4 INTs, 40 yards rushing per game and a couple TDs there too. And he's a rookie. A long ways to go but he's been good if you've been watching. Uhh what? I LOVE Allen. What are you talking about? He's been great this year and into the end of last year. Making every stride I would hope and even controlling his hero ball.
  6. Is everyone who disagrees with you a troll? Where are your statistics for a counter-argument that someone else is playing better than Jackson from that QB class, or Murray from this past one?
  7. Goff yes. Mahomes threw for 373 yards and 3 TDs yesterday...and threw his first INT--in 20 minutes time of possession. He's averaging 350 yards/game, with 14 TDs and 1 INT. Every team wishes their QB was falling apart like that.
  8. You can play that game with anyone. Allen could have more INTs than he has too. And I'm sure some of his 5 INTs are not all his fault. If Allen and Darnold throw 5 TDs against the Dolphins, that will be interesting. But I doubt they will. If you force Brady to throw on the run, he's terrible. The QB who plays the position plays the way that works best for him. Lamar is playing at a very high level. 65% completion. He's the best of them all right now, no question. I expect Allen at least will be better. Darnold looked good yesterday but I'm not ready to crown him yet. Rosen has been on terrible teams but doesn't look good. Mayfield was up and is now down. The guy who looks better than all of them (different draft class) is Murray.
  9. So Mahomes's otherworldy numbers are just him lobbing the ball to his WRs who bail him out? Ummkay. Yesterday's lob, by the way, was on an Offside free play so it was an excellent decision. I agree. Mahomes is great and on a level few QBs achieve. He's just not ours. Imagine how he feels about passing up on Brady 6 times! That would be true of any QB that good. He had a great running game...until his RB went off the reservation. What he really needs is an offensive line.
  10. In 20 mins time of possession. Mahomes is in a league of his own.
  11. 65% completion. 11 TDS passing to 5 ints. 250 passing and 80 yards rushing per game. If all any QB needed was a system, every qb would put up those numbers. Jackson has been the best of them all no question. He may not finish his career there but right now he's way out in front.
  12. Jackson is currently much better than the rest.
  13. It was a media conspiracy that the game was terrible? If it was so great and would drive up revenue, do you really think the NFL wouldn't be doing it every game? The NFL/networks are about the money, not employing 3 reporters and all the spotters. Most people leave the volume up for NFL games for a reason. The announcers matter. Today the experience could be better with on screen graphics, but that 1980 game was painful.
  14. Not even close to accurate. You can look it up. Or pay attention. I only see how it makes you look, small and lonely.
  15. And most flags are still correct in spite of you thinking anyone cares about your ability to debase the board with insults.
  16. I remember watching that game. It sucked.
  17. False. Most flags are correct.
  18. Agreed. The Bills might be better RIGHT NOW with Metcalf, but I like Ford at guard long term a lot. He mauls people. I am fine admitting that Metcalf is much better than I thought he'd be.
  19. They had a better record at this time last year!
  20. Does it make you feel good to be "right" if Metcalf plays well and Ford does not? In other news, I'll be more interested to judge Ford after a season, and when he starts playing the position he appears more suited to.
  21. Great commercials though.
  22. That play should be a staple of a 2019 NFL offense. Big body WR falling forward for 5-6 yards. That sets up a lot of other things. I thought Benjamin was going to do this last year but he was soft. If Duke can be the guy to open this play in the offense, it would be huge. It's like a run except it can turn into a big play with one fake.
  23. Wilson is elite. I'd say his worst case of all existing QBs is Matthew Stafford. Not from a tools perspective but from wins and losses. His floor is like that. Could play a decade and have many great games and lay some eggs too. But Josh's style at his floor reminds me a lot more of Jake Plummer.
  24. And a 7th for Russell Bodine (Beane's best fleecing yet by far).
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