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Everything posted by Sundancer

  1. Unvaccinated people who get Covid spread it to others, putting them at risk and those they spread to. The vaccine cuts off the transmission chain. The immunity appears robust from both (some indications that those who had it can get more immunity from a single shot) but this is about stopping the spread. For that, advantage Vaccines.
  2. And they got Covid from an unvaccinated person. In other news water is wet.
  3. Same. We'd do well to have a dialog than a bunch of yelling/shaming, which only entrenches positions. Most people would clearly benefit from the vaccine and many groups disproportionately affected by the vaccine (obese people, black people) could really use less shame, more information on its safety and lack of side effects. In my state, over 65 vaccination rate is in the upper 90s%. I don't know but I suspect that's because those people were raised to believe in vaccines (their parent's generation had polio!). Most people alive today in the US have no exposure to vaccine-preventable childhood ailments. If Covid had been killing kids at the same rate or even half the rate it killed the elderly, the reaction to the vaccine would be totally different.
  4. Trubisky is the ideal backup. I want him to shine in practice and if he makes the field, all I'm looking for is a guy who can run the offense and make a few plays. No one expects him to be Patrick Mahomes any more--that author is living in the past when the expectation was much higher for Trubisky. That time has passed. Nate Peterman has yet to play an adequate NFL quarter. Trubisky has at least had some decent games. He could start on a few teams.
  5. The best of the drought. I will always be rooting for him.
  6. Do you want to have a dialogue or keep posturing? A “certain generation” of people has opted to posture on the Internet. It’s young and old but the act is a bore to me. Not to most so if you want to be that way, you have many dance partners. If you want to talk about the studies, let’s do that. The Cleveland study is welcome news indeed. It’s excellent that our immune response to Covid is long lasting and robust. And the Penn study is also interesting in that a single shot to those who had Covid boosts antibody levels to as high as the two-shot level. And finally the third study in the original tweet was about the minor reactions to getting a shot if you previously had Covid (similar to reactions to getting the second shot). All of those studies are compatible with one another and the third is the least new news of them all and should, I posit, merit the least consideration on whether to get vaccinated. If you’ve had Covid and don’t want to get vaccinated, OK, your choice. Seems like a single shot boost would help the cause though. A doc in the WSJ yesterday actually wrote this exact thing. Just read it this morning but it’s on point. He references both the Cleveland and Penn studies by the way. We should invite him into this thread. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-power-of-natural-immunity-11623171303?mod=mhp
  7. Doubling down on the dick part. Good work. I read them fully and the studies are different. Both can be right and may well be. What a great place you make this Mr Lenz.
  8. You chose to be a dick. Because Internet? The studies are quite different.
  9. No offense to Barkley, who was a good unthreatening QB and helped Josh, but he didn't show anything on the field. I feel good with Trubisky. With Barkley it was season over.
  10. As you probably know death from vaccine is more rare than death from Covid and deaths (plural) from being a spreader of Covid. “Seeing no value in the vax” is not something any rational person can back up at this point. There may be less value to someone who had Covid though. But if people want to spread Covid, that’s their choice. Do what you want. Starting another thought, I’d like us to send most of our vaccines to countries with stressed healthcare systems and high deaths at this point, keeping doses on hand only for kids and a few extra for others. Any adult who wants one in the US has had their chance by now.
  11. This is something we are starting to see studies on, which is good news. And there have been some studies about antibody levels after a single shot in people who had covid now too. From the article I linked, "The findings suggest that only a single vaccine dose in individuals recovered from COVID-19 may be enough to induce a maximal immune response, based on both strong antibody and memory B cell responses. This is likely due to a primary immune response because of their natural infection." As I noted, the "adverse reactions" in that tweet are headaches and fever. Seems like a small price to pay to have increased immunity.
  12. Do you choose to be an ####### just because “Internet”? I don’t say anyone has to do anything. My own take is that a two day exhaustion to not be part of the problem of spreading Covid seems minimal. Here’s the study I mentioned. https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2021/april/penn-study-suggests-those-who-had-covid19-may-only-need-one-vaccine-dose
  13. A single shot may provide benefit according to the UPenn study (trouble linking it for some reason but not hard to find) and the “getting you sick” piece is headache and a fever. No risk, no evil afoot, and no idiots for getting a shot or not post getting Covid. People not getting the shot take their risk of getting and spreading.
  14. Thank you for putting words I didn’t say in my mouth.
  15. Only in today’s Internet is a young QB listening to a hall of fame QB is somehow a bad idea.
  16. Informed choice is key. Very little information of quality in this thread.
  17. Yes they let you know that you might get a headache or slight fever when you get the vaccine. Pretty well documented and not surprising. The vaccine works. Getting Covid works. Covid kills and is contagious. Maybe I’ll grow a grow a third eye but it seemed like an easy choice to get the vaccine and end this thing.
  18. Josh is 25. Zach Wilson is 16.
  19. Assuming the date is right (who knows), if they are vaccinated and I assume they are because it's a D room, they are following the May 16 CDC guidelines: "If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html But by all means feed the Hate Industrial Complex with your RAGE. That's how it runs. That's a curious way to phrase the headline. How might you re-write that if you were an objective writer not out to attract eyeballs by tapping people's anger?
  20. This is a lost cause though. The alien story is so much better than the non-alien story. Conspiracy >>>>> boring messy reality
  21. And kids, and kids of parents who don't do vaccines. And keeping cases low keeps mutations limited. No one should be shamed or forced to be vaccinated but it does make sense.
  22. Good to see that the Hate Industrial Complex is still pumping out widgets the public is buying!
  23. Southwest, near Inlet NY. 30 minutes east of Old Forge. Big Moose Lake specifically. There's a Tesla charging station in Old Forge but Tesla's network is not currently compatible with the fast charging CCS standard that is the norm in the US and Europe or the chademo standard that you'll find on Japanese cars like the Leaf.
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